Daily Devotional

God Gives

Scripture Daniel 1:17 As for these four young men, God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom; and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.

Observation: All of our abilities are given to us by God, but what we do with them? He left it up to us. We can continue to develop those gifts and glorify God with them or we can use them for our benefit. The skills we have are our talents in the parable of the talents. We can choose to invest and multiply them or bury them. What kind of servant do you want to be?

Application: God has blessed me with different abilities. I’m able to organize and visualize things, able to talk to strangers and I’m willing to do what God calls me to do. These are things that God has given me and not something that I have developed by myself. Whatever I accomplish that is good needs to glorify God and that He gets the credit.

Prayer Dear Lord thank you for trusting me with the gifts You have given me. Use them today to please You and to help someone who would benefit from them. I’m here as your servant use me as You will.

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