Daily Devotional

God Will Not be Our God?

Scripture Hosea 1:9 Then God said:
“Call his name Lo-Ammi,
For you are not My people,
And I will not be your God.

Observation: We can’t blame God if He no longer wants to be our God. Most of the nation already refuses Him as their God. We have strayed so far over the last few decades getting worse each year. We say God Bless America, but there is no reason He should. We don’t worship or honor Him until we need Him and don’t realize that we need Him all of the time.

Application: To represent God the best that I can. Be obedient in whatever He calls me to do and serve Him wholeheartedly. To spread the gospel and be the best light I can be. God deserves the best we have and the thought of Him saying He will not be our God should scare everyone.

Prayer Dear Lord help me today to spread the word of your love. Put those in my path that have a hard heart and need the heart of flesh that only You can give them. You are my God may I never forsake You.

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