Daily Devotional

We Are God’s People

Scripture Hosea 2:23 Then I will sow her for Myself in the earth,
And I will have mercy on her who had not obtained mercy;
Then I will say to those who were not My people,
‘You are My people!’
And they shall say, ‘You are my God!

Observation: We didn’t used to be God’s people. There was a time that we received Jesus as our Lord and Savior, but before that we were destined for Hell. God received us as we made that commitment to Him and called us His children and now, we need to stand in front of others and claim that he is our God. This should never be a secret but a proclamation of our love for God.

Application: Everyone God puts in my path needs to know that I belong to God. My actions and words need to point to my love for Him. It can’t be a on again off again relationship but a total commitment to my God.

Prayer My Lord thank you for allowing me to be yours. Show me how to love You in a way that will be pleasing to you. May my love for You be obvious to everyone You put in my path today. I love you now and will love you forever.

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