Daily Devotional

Acknowledging Our Offense

Scripture Hosea 5:15 I will return again to My place
Till they acknowledge their offense.
Then they will seek My face;
In their affliction they will earnestly seek Me.”

Observation: Is God saying until we acknowledge our sins, He will stay put in heaven and not heal our land? 2 Chronicles says the same thing, unless we humble ourselves seek His face and pray, He won’t heal our land. This country has turned our back on our Lord and have done some very wicked things and have tried to remove God from our nation and it looks as if it worked. Fortunately, the scripture states if my people who are called by my name. He knows the world is full of evil and God is looking for just His people to repent and ask for a healing of this nation.

Application: I need to search my own heart to see if there is any wicked ways in me and ask for forgiveness for those things and turn from them and then ask for a healing of this nation. Not sure if this is the end times or if God is allowing us another chance to turn to Him. I need to do whatever God calls me to do and to lead others to our Lord.

Prayer Dear Lord open my eyes to whatever evil I do. Humble me so that I may see it and turn from it so that I may have your forgiveness. At times I feel so righteous, but I know the evil that lies in my heart. Show me what you desire and give me strength to do it.

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