God Remembers our Wickedness
Scripture Hosea 7:2 They do not consider in their hearts
That I remember all their wickedness;
Now their own deeds have surrounded them;
They are before My face.
Observation: There is so much wickedness happening these days it hard to see anything else. I feel most think they are getting away with something since none of the authorities here on earth are doing anything, but God sees them. He sees all of the abortions of the children He was creating, He sees the children that are being abused, people hurting other people, the lies, theft, blasphemies and death that is being caused. There is nothing that can pass by Him without His notice and there will be a reckoning.
Application: When I commit anything that is wicked, I need to confess it right away and repent. I can’t continue in my sin and expect to be forgiven. I need to be the salt of this earth and not allow anyone to be able to call me a hypocrite, but be the light to others that will shine on my Lord.
Prayer Dear Lord forgive me. Even though I don’t commit wickedness, my thoughts are evil at times. Please reach down and change my heart that it would be pure before you. You deserve my very best, help me give that to you.