God is Our Possession
Scripture Ezekiel 44:28 “It shall be, in regard to their inheritance, that I am their inheritance. You shall give them no possession in Israel, for I am their possession.
Observation: This is referring to the priest that kept the temple. They were not to own anything, because God is their possession. How awesome is that God would be a possession. A valuable possession is something you protect, you cherish it, proud you own something so valuable and you would show it off. That is what God should be to us our most priceless possession.
Application: I need to stop taking my God for granted and cherish that I have Him in my life. His love should be the most valuable thing that I have and to share that love with others. I should be so proud of the relationship I have with my Lord that everyone I meet should see it.
Prayer My precious Lord draw me closer to you. May You always be the most precious thing I have in my life and that others may see the light of your love in me. I love you Lord may I show it today.