Daily Devotional

He Answers Me

Scripture Jonah 2:2 And he said:
“I cried out to the LORD because of my affliction,
And He answered me.
“Out of the belly of Sheol I cried,
And You heard my voice.

Observation: The day I tried to end my life 22 years ago was the first time I cried out to God. It was a quiet cry, but He heard me. I suffered all of my life at that time all 46 years of it and never once thought about crying out to God. He heard my cry and lifted me out of the hopeless state of depression. I talked to Him every day now and a day doesn’t go by that He doesn’t hear my voice.

Application: I never let a day go by that I don’t talk to my Dad. Thank Jesus every day for this amazing opportunity He made for me that I may talk to my creator. My Lord sacrificed so much for me to have this honor and never take it for granted.

Prayer My Lord, I thank you for the privilege to speak with You each day. I thank my Lord and savior and the Holy Spirit for making this possible. I ask that You guide me today to do what You desire and may it be done in glory and honor to You.

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