Daily Devotional

Will God Turn and Relent

Scripture Jonah 3:9 Who can tell if God will turn and relent, and turn away from His fierce anger, so that we may not perish?

Observation: America like Nineveh deserve God’s judgement. We have become evil in the sight of God and haven’t repented of that evil. Not sure of how many of God’s children are still seeking Him today, but we must pray and fast and beg for forgiveness if this country will continue to prosper. God is a just God and He will decide if He turn and relent.

Application: I’m torn from hoping the rapture comes very soon to giving America another chance to repent from its evil ways. There is so many family members and friends I don’t think will make it through the rapture so I need to do whatever God calls me to do to open their eyes.

Prayer Dear Lord guide me today on what to do and say. Please use me in whatever way pleases You and may I be affective in touching others hearts to your grace.

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