Daily Devotional

Better for Me to Die

Scripture Jonah 4:3 Therefore now, O LORD, please take my life from me, for it is better for me to die than to live!”

Observation: I know exactly how Jonah feels. Most of my life all I wanted to do was end my life there didn’t seem to be any use to it and it was painful for me to go on each day. I’ve counseled people in the past with the exact same feeling, things aren’t going my way so I’d rather quit. We look at our life’s worth through our eyes and not God’s. He wouldn’t have gone through the trouble of making you if He didn’t have a purpose to use you.

Application: I need to find ways to share my testimony of how God opened my eyes to what He wanted of me and not my plans. We are all going to die eventually, but in the meantime, God has a plan for our lives and is going to pay you to do the work, more than you can ever make on this earth. Rewards to be cashed in when we go home.

Prayer Dear Lord thank you for saving me. I don’t deserve your love, mercy and grace, but I’m so grateful that You give it. Open doors for me to share how your love opened my eyes to my worth in serving You.

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