Man the Fort
Scripture Nahum 2:1 He who scatters has come up before your face.
Man the fort!
Watch the road!
Strengthen your flanks!
Fortify your power mightily.
Observation: The devil surrounds this world to destroy it and we aren’t ready. We are so busy fighting amongst ourselves we don’t see him. He is there in front of our face and we need to be ready for battle. We need to man the fort and watch when he approaches. We need to strengthen our faith so he doesn’t surround us and fortify our power that comes only from the Lord, for the battle is His.
Application: I need to be ready for battle, but not in my power but the power of the Lord. I’m only a soldier in this fight and my God is my commander and I need to follow Him. Help others see the fight that we are in and take the focus off of this world and focus on the real enemy. Guide others to our general and have Him fight this battle that is too big for us.
Prayer Dear Lord help me please stay focused on You and not all of these reports of doom. Take hold of my hand and guide me through this and show me my part in your strategy to overcome the evil one.