Are Leaders Hide from Trouble
Scripture Nahum 3:17 Your commanders are like swarming locusts,
And your generals like great grasshoppers,
Which camp in the hedges on a cold day;
When the sun rises they flee away,
And the place where they are is not known.
Observation: With all the trouble around, us where are our leaders that are supposed to protect us. They have become the enemy and hide in their mansions and make rules that no one can follow. No one calls them accountable for their wickedness and they deceive the people. They have become Satan’s helpers and are trying to destroy this nation.
Application: There is little one can do against these evil people. I need to realize the little I can do and give the rest to God. He knows everything that is happening and he is just. Whether we will see justice here on this earth or in heaven I don’t know.
Prayer My Lord please calm my spirit and take these evil thoughts from me. Forgive me when I demand justice, because I don’t know what justice is. May I only be concerned about my role in all of this and fulfill the purpose You have given to me.