The Kingdom of Heaven Is at Hand
Scripture Matthew 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
Observation: All through history the message to repent because the kingdom of heaven is at hand as been preached. Each century or decade it seems to be coming soon and here we sit and it feels like it can be any day. The world has become so dark and so far away from God that you expect in any minute to be raptured up. I look around me and it’s hard to believe that the world couldn’t be any worse than it was in the days of Noah, but God still tarries. Only He knows the day and the hour of the end of this wicked place.
Application: Live my life as if this will be the last day and go about and do God’s work in my life. Warn others that this might be the end and that they need to repent and seek God. I need to live life with urgency doing all that God commands me to do each day.
Prayer My Lord I pray that I will be doing your will when You return. That I will be busy doing my Father’s business and will be with you when the trumpet sounds. I can’t wait to be with You.