Doing for the Least of Our Brethren
Scripture Matthew 25:40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’
Observation: I think of this verse a lot when I’m out and walking. You can see Jesus in the people that are in need. God is calling us to be the answer of their prayers. He sends us out among His children to help and when we do we bless Him. This life is only a job placement test for heaven. God continues to test us to see if we are becoming more like His Son.
Application: I have a hard time giving to others. I feel what I have is mine and I’ll use it to benefit me, after all God gave it to me. Yes, God has blessed me abundantly and He calls me to give in the same way that He has blessed me. Jesus knows everything that I’m doing and I need to be doing things for Him.
Prayer My Lord give me a heart of generosity not only with my positions but with one of the most valuable things You have blessed me with, time. You are worthy of all my love, praise, obedience and time may I offer it in glory and honor to You.