Tell Them What the Lord Has Done for You
Scripture Mark 5:19 However, Jesus did not permit him, but said to him, “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.”
Observation: If you look back in your life you will remember wonderful things that God has done for you. Are we telling others about these wonderful moments? I know God continued to watch over and protect me even before I received His son as my Lord and Savior. After I was saved, they became more apparent and was able to tell others how He saved me from myself and depression.
Application: Each day I should make it a point to tell someone about the miracles God did in my life. I’ve been called to be a light in this world and I need to shine brightly so others may see. Each day spend some time with my Lord in remembering His faithfulness so that I may be faithful to Him.
Prayer Dear Lord thank you for not giving up on your servant. In my plan I shouldn’t be here, but You had a much better plan. May I not be silent but boast of your never-ending love.