My life Belongs to Jesus
Scripture Mark 8:35 For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.
Observation: Before Jesus I lived my life the way I wanted to and what a disaster. I’ve been saved for over twenty years and have slowly given my Lord control of my life. I should have done it right away. Now I think before I act to see how God wants to use me each day. I still fall into a trap now and again, but ultimately ask God His desires. Each day I want the Lord to take more of my life so that it is all His.
Application: My mind is still selfish and I need to continue to try harder to do what God is calling me to do. I need to give this life totally to God so that it will be used for His glory. He has taken away the desires of the things of this world so my focus should be totally on Him.
Prayer Dear Lord, I freely give you this life as a living sacrifice may it be holy and pleasing to You. Help settle my mind so that I would be focused on You and nothing else. My desire is to honor You.