Be Ready
Scripture Matthew 24:44 Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
Observation: We don’t know when the end of days is coming or if Christians will be called up before the tribulation or have to endure the tribulation with others. No matter what we are called to be ready when that time comes. Jesus needs to find us busy doing the work we are called to do. This is the time to grow closer to God and to others and to be the example we are called to be to this fallen world.
Application: I need to be working harder doing what God has called me to do. I need to be a light and be ready when someone might ask me a question about my faith and to give my testimony whenever possible. I owe my Lord everything and need to be willing to give it when He calls.
Prayer My Lord I’m ready to go to work. Guide me on my journey today and put the people you desire to talk to in my path. May I always be busy doing your will in my life.