Month: December 2024

Are We laborers?

Scripture Matthew 9:38 Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

Observation: When the word reward is used in the Bible it means wages. God is going to pay us wages if we do the work, He calls us to do. This is one of the most important jobs God can call us to do. We are to go out in the world and spread the good news and harvest those souls that want to be saved. There are many ways to do this job, but we must be diligent in doing our duties.

Application: God has given me direction to go out to the strand in Oceanside and pray for those who want prayer. I need to be obedient as He brings people in my path and even if no one needs prayer that day I will be there as God calls me. I need to be in prayer to hear the direction that God is giving me.

Prayer My Lord I’m your servant and wait for your direction. I’m here to serve You in any way that You call me to. May I finish this race to glorify You.

Why Are We Fearful?

Scripture Matthew 8:26 But He said to them, “Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?” Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.

Observation: That is what is happening today everyone is fearful whether COVID, Racism, Election and so on, that is all you see anymore. We are living in uncertain times or are we? God is constant and never changes like His word. If we focus on the world we will live in fear, but if we are focused on our Lord, we can receive peace and joy.

Application: There is nothing this world can do to me that God doesn’t know. I need to stay focused on God and His purpose for my life. Stay in His presence doing His will, because that is why I’m here. Do not get involved with other people opinions, but stay strong in the word.

Prayer My Lord You alone are my master. Each day command me to what you want me to do. Help me stay obedient to You and not be distracted by the evil around me. May I always stay true to You.

Do to Others as You Want Done

Scripture Matthew 7:12 Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.

Observation: This is a scripture God has continued to put on my heart. Before Christ most everything I did to others I was afraid it would come back around to me. I try to make sure all that I do will glorify God and to show His love to others. I keep this scripture in my heart whenever I speak to someone. I realize I need others as they need me at times.

Application: Continue to have this scripture on my heart whenever I meet someone. Not to withhold any help that I might be able to give to someone and to speak to them with the love of Jesus. I’m here as an ambassador of my Lord and I need to be true to His word.

Prayer Dear Lord thank you for saving me and giving me a new heart. Continue to work in me to make me more like Jesus and to treat others as He would.