Give Me the Heart of a Child
Scripture Luke 18:17 Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.”
Observation: I’ve been rereading the book Heaven by Randy Alcorn. I really enjoy his perspective based on scripture. If we could just see a glimpse of Heaven in our minds, we would be like little children excited to go to Disneyland for the first time. This is the place we get to meet our Lord who has sacrificed all for our admission. This is our forever home, filled with joy and wonder and we need to be focused on the place God has prepared for us.
Application: Each day I need to spend time looking at the brochure God has placed in my heart of my new home. All that I do here should be in anticipation of being there. God has given me the opportunity to earn rewards that will be used there and I should be excited like a child anxiously waiting my arrival.
Prayer My Lord thank you that You wouldn’t let me leave this earth without the opportunity to be with You. You’ve done everything to guide me home and I can’t wait to see You. May my day today be a day to show my appreciation and glorify You.