Jesus Stills Seeks
Scripture Luke 19:10 for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
Observation: Jesus is still in the seeking and saving business. As bad as everything is now, He doesn’t give up and continues to search this earth for those that are lost. I’m so grateful that He continued to seek me out even though I was hiding from Him. I didn’t want any part of God and would run away if I thought He was close, but He never gave up until I was His.
Application: This world is so hard and it’s difficult to think someone loves us so much, not to give up on us. I need to share my testimony as much as I can that there is an awesome God who loves more than we can imagine and want us to be with Him forever.
Prayer My Lord I don’t fully understand your love, but I gratefully receive it. Use me to deliver your message of love to others that they will be found by You.