Fruit for Eternal Life
Scripture John 4:36 And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.
Observation: I’m called to reap in God’s field and I receive joy that I don’t deserve for being obedient, but not only that God will pay me wages for this obedient. God owes me nothing, but I owe Him everything and he still gives. I can’t wait to thank Him in person for all that He has done for me, I can’t imagine taking anything else from my Lord.
Application: I need to continue to stay busy working for my Master. He deserves the best I can do and I know He wants His children home with Him when this life is over. I need to go out and hand out these invitations to eternal life.
Prayer My Lord I thank you for all you have done and given me and I know I’m not worthy, but only out of your love for me that I can receive them. Guide me today as I go out to the field that I may touch someone’s heart in glory and honor to your name.