The Works of God
Scripture John 9:3 Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him.
Observation: The works of God are always visible if we open our eyes. You can see it in His creation and others. We get so busy taking care of our own needs and desires we don’t take the time to look around or speak to others to hear the works God has done in their lives. The great joy I get to experience each day is to see the works of God in others as I pray for them. I hear countless stories about how God is working in their lives and their desire to draw closer to them.
Application: I need to continue to share the work of God in my life and how He works through me. My testimony that God has given me can comfort others and draw them closer to God. I need to always be on the lookout to see God’s work in this fallen world and to thank Him for them.
Prayer My Lord You are great and your works are wonderful. Help me stay focused on You each day so that I may see Your wonders and share them with others.