Daily Devotional

Looking for Praise

Scripture John 12:43 for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.

Observation: This has been a problem of mine. I do seek the praise from God, but I still want the praise of men. I want to feel important in this world and that is one of my greatest sins. I know the only praise that means anything is glorifying God and I start each day trying to accomplish that, but as soon as anyone says anything good about me, I get prideful.

Application: Anything that people see that is good in me I need to give God the glory, because that is where it came from. There is nothing good in me apart from my Lord and others need to know that I represent my Lord and not myself.

Prayer My Lord I’m yours and I want to glorify You today. May others see You in me and may I always give you the praise You deserve.

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