Power from the Holy Spirit
Scripture Acts 1:8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Observation: I’ve felt the power of the Holy Spirit many times. It’s only because of His power that I can go and pray with others each day or write the things that I do. It’s a wonderful experience when the Holy Spirit takes over in prayer speaking to the person God has put in my path that day. I have confidence to know I will have the right words to say to someone who needs God’s word in their life.
Application: Each day to ask the Holy Spirit to guide me and not try to do it on my own. Learn from the Holy Spirit as He speaks to others through me. Speak with Him as I walk and try to understand my role in this time and to get out of my own way.
Prayer Dear Lord I’m yours. Continue to use the Holy Spirit in my life to draw me closer to You and to be a better person. I know my short comings and need You to direct my steps as I walk along this path You have chosen for me.