Daily Devotional

Poisoning Minds

Scripture Acts 14:2 But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles and poisoned their minds against the brethren.

Observation: Poisoning minds is the goal of many of our leaders today. They have used it to divide this country and pit us against one another. We no longer use the common-sense God has blessed us with but allow the media to tell us what to think. We are slowly being led away from God and His commandments and allowing sin to be accepted as normal.

Application: I need to be sure that I don’t make any rash judgement without checking the facts, which is God’s word. The only thing that is trustworthy is God’s word and before doing anything I need to take it in prayer. I may not be able to change anything, but I must not fuel all the deception that is going on.

Prayer My Lord give me discernment. I ‘m in this world but not of it, you have given me a greater calling. May my focus be on You and your desire and continue to put people in my path that need to hear from You and not the media.

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