For the Name of Jesus
Scripture Acts 21:13 Then Paul answered, “What do you mean by weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.”
Observation: What am I willing to do for the name of Jesus. Jesus has given me eternal life and a purpose here on this earth, but how far am I willing to go for His name? Paul gave his life for the name of Jesus. Am I willing to give up some comfort for my Lord? Each day I give a few hours to doing His will and in return He has blessed that time, but how much further would I go? Am I willing to suffer mockery, pain, poverty or even death in Jesus’ name? I hope so, since He did all of that for me.
Application: I struggle sometimes with not feeling well and question if I should go some days. It’s a small sacrifice to honor God. I need to be ready for anything that might come my way and depend on the strength of my Lord to get me through no matter what the final result might be. I’m here for a short while, but I have an eternity to spend with my creator.
Prayer My Lord I’m weak and need your strength. My desire is to do what You have called me to do with love and compassion for You and others. Give me wisdom to do what honors You today. I love You and my desire is to please You.