Sanctified by Faith
Scripture Acts 26:18 to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.’
Observation: This was Paul’s ministry and also ours. We’ll each do it in a different way with the gifts and talents God has given us, but the goal should be the same. We are called to be a light in this dark place and show others that we belong to Christ. We are called to proclaim the gospel. Some may preach it, others teach, care for others, serve but we should always be available to share what Jesus as done for us.
Application: God has called me to do different things at different times. Like any other job I must learn a task first before going onto the next. My job now is to go boldly at the beach and pray with those who need prayer and share my testimony when the opportunity arises. I need to be a good student and continue until God calls me to something else.
Prayer My Lord, I thank you for this opportunity you have given me to honor you and serve others in prayer. Thank you for always being with me as I walk and talk to others. May I always be aware of what you call me to do and that I will be obedient to your calling.