God’s Invisible Attributes Seen
Scripture Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,
Observation: I think of this verse often as I walk on the strand and look out on to the ocean. How magnificent it is and no matter how often I pass, the beauty still overwhelms me. That is my God magnificent and beautiful. There is no other explanation why that would stir my heart as much as it does except that I can see God in it.
Application: There are so many things that I’m in awe over waterfalls, mountains, babies, puppies, children and so much more and the reason is that God put that on my heart. As I see those things now, I need to see God’s attributes in them and look for Him and be grateful that He gave me the heart to see.
Prayer My Lord You are everywhere and all I need to do is look. May I share with others the beauty You have shown me and explain to them that they are really seeing your majesty.