Daily Devotional

Hope Doesn’t Disappoint

Scripture Romans 5:5 Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

Observation: Before Christ entered my world all hope did was disappoint. I was always hoping for things that I wanted and most of the time I didn’t get them, but when Jesus came my hopes changed. The Holy Spirit continued to work in my heart and what I wanted was different. My hope now is to please Him and fulfill the purpose He has given me and I see that hope come true each day.

Application: The closer I stay to Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to work through me the greater my life becomes. I realize I am not of this world, but have the hope of the next. I need to continue to stay focused on the work God has for me here and my hope is to please Him today and with the help of the Holy Spirit I know I can accomplish that.

Prayer Good morning, Lord. I’m getting ready to go out and do your will. Holy Spirit come with me and talk to the people you chose to speak to and use this vessel to honor You.

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