Daily Devotional

We Are Called to Bear Good Fruit

Scripture Matthew 3:10 And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

Observation: Each person is called to bear good fruit. We cannot just sit back once we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior, but we are called to fulfill the purpose we were created for. We need to stop thinking of our own needs but the needs of others as God’s children.

Application: I need to be more focused on my calling from God than what I want. I was created for a purpose and need to bear good fruit in how I spend my time. There are so many others in this world that will perish without receiving Jesus as their Lord and if I could be part of saving just one, my life would have been worth living.

Prayer My Lord your servant is here for You to use. Command me today to do your will and make a difference for the kingdom. May I be pleasing to You and bear good fruit in glory and honor to Your name.

God Directs Our Journey

Scripture Matthew 2:23 And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, “He shall be called a Nazarene.”

Observation: All through the Bible it shows how God directs the paths of His children. He keeps us safe and guides to places where we can fulfill the purpose we were created for. I know in my life there were things that I wanted, but God directed me away from them to another place or vocation and when I look back on my life, I can see how God kept me safe from harm and gave my life purpose.

Application: Each day I need to call on my Lord for guidance and direction. I need to be where God wants me to be doing the things He desires me to do. This life He has given me actually belongs to Him and I want my Lord to have His way with me, because His way is going to be much better than mine.

Prayer My God, I freely give you this life as a living sacrifice, may it be holy and pleasing to You. Direct my path today that I may please You and glorify your name. I love You and my desire is to serve You.

Prophesies Fulfilled

Scripture Matthew 1:22 So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying:

Observation: There are over 300 prophesies about Jesus, not including all of the other prophesies in the Bible. All through the Old Testament prophets told of the coming of our Lord and all along people disregarded these claims. This is nothing new since it still goes on, there is more and more proof of Jesus and still people refuse to believe. I wonder why people harden their hearts so.

Application: Do what God calls me to do to help others find Jesus. Every morning continue in prayer and ask God what my mission is for the day and not worry about anything that doesn’t concern me or anything that I can’t do anything about. I have a purpose and search each day what my task is for that day.

Prayer My Lord I’m here for you to command. Show me your desires for me today and guide me through any obstacles that might arise to prevent me from accomplishing those tasks. I’m you creation, your bond servant and child and I only exist because You desire it so.

The Day is Coming

Scripture Malachi 4:1 “For behold, the day is coming,
Burning like an oven,
And all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble.
And the day which is coming shall burn them up,”
Says the LORD of hosts,
“That will leave them neither root nor branch.

Observation: This whole chapter is all about what is happening now and how close we are to destruction. There is enough wicked to cause a fire to burn for a very long time. We need to realize how close we are to the coming of our Lord. We say God bless America, but God can’t bless sin. The world is beyond wicked and will have to pay the price for their sin.

Application: I’m not sure how much time we have let, but that shouldn’t matter to me. I’m called to preach the gospel and do what God has called me to do. I must stay focused on God and not the evil around me and proclaim my Lord’s name loudly and proudly to those He puts in my path.

Prayer My Lord help me know what You want of me. My mind is corrupted and I’m a sinner needing direction from You. May I fulfill the purpose You have created me for that I may hear the words, well done good and faithful servant.

Return to Me

Scripture Malachi 3:7 Yet from the days of your fathers
You have gone away from My ordinances
And have not kept them.
Return to Me, and I will return to you,”
Says the LORD of hosts.
“But you said,
‘In what way shall we return?’

Observation: We have strayed from God. Most of us are so involved with the world around us that we don’t trust God’s judgement. We are so focused on the evil we lose sight of our heavenly Father. We need to return to God in prayer and loving Him the way He calls us to love Him with all out heart, mind and soul and then He will return to us.

Application: When I’m walking I need to focus on God more than the things that surround me that is not of God. Keep in prayer reaching out to His children and be there when He calls. My walk should draw me closer to God and as I walk to closer to Him He is walking closer to me.

Prayer My Lord, You have blessed me so much and yet there are times my mind wanders to things that don’t concern me. Help me stay focused on the things of You and help me fulfill the purpose You have created me for.

In What We Say

Scripture Malachi 2:17 You have wearied the LORD with your words;
Yet you say,
“In what way have we wearied Him?”
In that you say,
“Everyone who does evil
Is good in the sight of the LORD,
And He delights in them,”
Or, “Where is the God of justice?”

Observation: We hear so many things these days, people trying to justify their action by saying it’s of God. I’ve never seen so much evil before in my life and now evil is called good. Even some pastors and priests have joined in saying abortion and homosexuality is good in the eyes of the Lord. Our only hope is that Jesus comes soon and takes us out of here.

Application: I need to always decern what I hear and see. I need to stay in the word so there is little chance of me being misled with the evil around me. I need to know and preach the truth according to God’s word to others and if needed suffer through the trials of standing up for my beliefs.

Prayer My Lord I know we weary you with all of the evil we do. I’m anxious to see You coming for us and to end the evil that has been done against you and your children. I wish it was today, but it’s not my will but yours. I love you and can’t wait to be with you.

We Owe God Everything

Scripture Malachi 1:6 “A son honors his father,
And a servant his master.
If then I am the Father,
Where is My honor?
And if I am a Master,
Where is My reverence?
Says the LORD of hosts
To you priests who despise My name.
Yet you say, ‘In what way have we despised Your name?’

Observation: Most of us take God for granted and instead of giving Him our first fruits we offer the scraps of our lives. God is our Father and Master and deserves all that we have and all that we have comes from God. We are called to magnify the Lord and we have our life on this earth to honor him. Others needs to see our love for God.

Application: I need to wake up every morning thanking God for allowing me to be here. Then ask what He would desire me to do for today. My sacrifice to him should be this life and it needs to be holy and pleasing to Him.

Prayer My Lord, I freely give you this life. Use it as You will and at the end of each day may I please You by what I did. I so desperately want to hear the words, well done good and faithful servant.