No Person is Common
Scripture Acts 10:28 Then he said to them, “You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with or go to one of another nation. But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean.
Observation: One thing that I’ve learned by praying with people on the strand is that no one is common. Each person is a special creation by the Father. It’s a shame that some people feel that they are not special and feel as if they may not be of any use. I should know I felt that way most of my life. Once you realize God made you exactly as you are with gifts and abilities you need to ask God how wants them used. Then you’ll realize how special and uncommon you really are.
Application: I want to continue to walk the strand as long as God desires me to and tell the people that God puts in my path how special they truly are. To be available to whomever needs to hear that they are made special by the Creator of the world and loved beyond what they can imagine.
Prayer My Lord thank you for making me, me. I know I never used to be able to say that, but now that You have opened my eyes to why You created me and have guided me on this wonderful path there is no one I would rather be.