Daily Devotional

Fear the Lord

Scripture: Revelation 14: [7] He said in a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.”

Observation: We don’t think of fear as being loving or kind, but without fear of who God truly is we take him for granted. God has the power to save us and he does and he alone deserves the glory and our obedience.

Application: I need to appreciate who God is, especially when I’m praying. It’s not about me but about my creator the God of all the Almighty, my heavenly Father who deserves all the glory, praise and obedience of his children..

Prayer: Dear Father you are so worthy of all that we have. May I always bow down to your majesty and exalt your name on high. For you are my all and deserve all that I have.

Patient Endurance

Scripture: Revelation 13:10 If anyone is to go into captivity,
into captivity he will go.
If anyone is to be killed with the sword,
with the sword he will be killed.

This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints.

Observation: Patient endurance and faithfulness is something I lack. Even now my patience is being tested by a decision where we should live since we can’t afford our home any more. I know God has a place yet I feel I need to make a decision now. My lack of faith has me second guessing everything that is happening.

Application: To trust God with all of my heart, mind and soul. He is the one that created me and has gotten me this far. He has a plan and if I allow him and obey him he will fulfill it in his time, not mine.

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith that I will trust you with all of my heart and not to lean on my own understanding, but in all of my ways acknowledge you and that you will make my paths straight.

The Devil Don’t Like Us

Scripture: Revelations 12: [17] Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to make war against the rest of her offspring–those who obey God’s commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus.

Observation: The devil rages war each day. He knows my weaknesses and uses them to take the joy out of my life. He is able to wage war against my mind and pervert my thoughts and unless I catch him soon enough he wins a battle now and again. I can’t fight him, I’m not strong enough, only when I ask God to intervene is he defeated.

Application: Don’t let the devil get a foothold. I allow him in much too often and I need to fill my heart with my Lord so there is no room for anything else. Keep in prayer and study each day and use what God teaches me to defeat the enemy and to live a life in glory to him.

Prayer: Dear Lord fight the battle for me and show me how to be victorious each day living for you. Take charge of this servant’s life and guide me on my journey this day, that I will be pleasing to you.

The Kingdom of Christ

Scripture: Revelations 11: 15 The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said:
“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ,
and he will reign for ever and ever.”

Observation: Wow I can’t wait until this earth becomes the kingdom of Christ instead of the devil. This world constantly is going down in morals and of God’s love. It continues to draw farther from God each day with sexual immorality, idolatry, greed, lust and hate. Only Christ can change this world.

Application: Start telling others about our new ruler now so they will be ready when he comes. Help change the heart of those that don’t know him. Allow the Holy Spirit to work through me and allow him to fulfill the purpose God has created me for.

Prayer: Dear Lord I can’t wait to see you whether it is in this world or the next. Show me how to be the man you want me to be and guide me so I may be ready for you.

Made to Prophesy

Scripture: Revelation 10: [11] Then I was told, “You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and king

Observation: We are commanded to prophesy, it’s not just a request. We are created to tell others the love of God and to bring them into eternal life with the Father. The word says God wants none to perish and he is giving us this opportunity to do his will.

Application: To do what God commands me to do, to prophesy in his name. To give my testimony on any given opportunity and to spread the gospel of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Prayer: Dear Lord help me do what you have created me to do and to give me courage to be bold to spread your word in this world, to glorify your name.

Why Don’t We Repent?

Scripture: Revelations 9: 20 The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood–idols that cannot see or hear or walk.

Observation: It is so hard to believe here is the end of the world and the people see all of this destruction and yet they still do not repent. Why is it so hard for us to say we are wrong and bow down to God? We can’t get past ourselves and our desires and give praise to the One who created us, we would rather suffer in our own decisions instead of giving God the honor He is due.

Application: I need to repent of my sins. A sin is anything that displeases God and I still do my share of that. I’m here only to serve God and to fulfill my purpose in this life. I need to be careful with my thoughts and to be patient waiting on God.

Prayer: Dear Father guide this servant and forgive me of my sins. Help me through each day to be careful of what I do, say and think and draw me nearer to you.

Prayers Going Up to God

Scripture: Revelations 8: [4] The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of the saints, went up before God from the angel’s hand.

Observation: I love this image of my prayers going up before God. That the creator of everything hears my prayers and I know he answers them. I don’t know why God would care to hear me, but I know he does.

Application: To continue to pray and to seek God’s will for my life. To talk with my Father and to understand what would please him. To sit still and listen to what he has to tell me and then express my love and gratitude for all he has done for me.

Prayer: Dear Lord I love to talk with you and know that you listen to me. Draw me closer and show me how to hear your voice guiding my life. I love you Father, may I draw nearer to you.