Daily Devotional

We All Should Worship

Scripture: Revelation 7:11 All the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures. They fell down on their faces before the throne and worshiped God,

Observation: I look around this world and there are not very many worshiping God and that includes me. Here all heaven is on their knees worshiping God, has it should be, He is worthy of all our worship. I live each day with a mild regard for God instead of being full of awe by his presence. I take the God who loves me for granted and yet He still loves me.

Application: I need to start giving what my Lord is due. All of my love, praise and worship. I need to spend more time with him and do things for his glory and not mine. I need to realize who I’m talking to when I pray and bow down and thank him and beg for his forgiveness for a life that falls short of what he deserves from me.

Prayer: Dear Father you are worthy of all I am and not what I have been giving you. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and guide this servant so I may honor you as you deserve. I am your child, your servant and your slave, use me as you desire. May I honor you with this life.

How Much Longer?

Scripture: Revelations 6: [10] They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?”

Observation: I really feel the end is coming as I look around the world and all that is happening. It’s amazing at times that God can even put up with all that happens here. The world embraces sin and ignores God more each day it seems, yet He is still working on our behalf.

Application: Live my life as if the end may come today. Live a life that can help bring others to Christ and to be different from this world. Do things each day that will build my treasures in heaven for God’s glory.

Prayer: Dear Father open the eyes that don’t know you and draw them near. May your people repent and turn to you and may I be of some use to you, showing them your love.

Fall Down and Worship

Scripture: Revelations 5: 14 The four living creatures said, “Amen,” and the elders fell down and worshiped.

Observation: Everything in heaven bows down and worships Jesus, so why don’t we. I hear Jesus name used so much more in profanity than in worship. I notice myself not using his name more than I should in appreciation for all he has done for me. I should be telling the world about Jesus and how we should worship him constantly.

Application: Just when I think of my Lord I should say something in praise to glorify him. I need to stop taking my Lord and savior for granted and take more time to worship him in all that I do.

Prayer: Dear Lord you are worthy of all my praise, love and obedience. Help me live a life that would show that to you and lead others to the throne of your grace.

God Is Worthy

Scripture: Revelations 4: 11
“You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honor and power,
for you created all things,
and by your will they were created
and have their being.”

Observation: Sometimes I forget who I’m praying to, God creator of all things. I don’t give him all the glory, honor and obedience I should be giving him. He is worthy of all that I can give of myself, he deserves my utmost attention and whatever I do I should be doing in glory to him.

Application: I need to stop for a moment each day and think of who God really is. He is everything and nothing exists without him, including me. It is time I lay my life on the alter and allow him to use it however he desires.

Prayer: Dear God Almighty, creator of all things, your servant asks a moment of your time. Show me how to live this life in a way that honors you and fulfill the purpose you have created me for. I belong to you, use me as you will.

Inviting Jesus to Dinner

Scripture: Revelations 3:[20] Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

Observation: Jesus is right there just on the other side of the door knocking. Why don’t I hear him? The distractions in my mind and heart are so loud I can’t seem to hear him. If only I could be quiet and hear the knocking I can have dinner with my savior. A banquet of love.

Application: To spend more time in meditation and thinking of God. To listen for the knocking and to be ready to open the door when I hear it. Wait to eat until he comes in.

Prayer: Dear Lord help me hear you at the door. Make me aware of your presence and your desire to be with me and increase my desire to spend more time with you.

Doing God’s Will to the End

Scripture: Revelations 2:26 To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations–

Observation: That is what I want to do is God’s will until the end. Unfortunately I don’t overcome a lot of the time and spend to much time dwelling on those moments or getting overwhelmed by them. It’s not that I want authority over nations but that God would be pleased with me.

Application: I can overcome anything with God and I need to depend on my Lord and God to get me through. His will must be my ultimate goal in life and serving him my purpose.

Prayer: Dear Lord take charge of this servant and lead me through this life that I will glorify and honor you. You are worthy of all I have show me how to please you and make you proud of me.

Taking Prophesy to Heart

Scripture: Revelation 1: [3] Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.

Observation: It is one thing to read about prophecy in the Bible and it’s another to believe and take it to heart. The entire Bible is like that I’ve read it over nine times, yet I‘ve read and closed it and couldn’t remember what I just read. The Word of God needs to be taken into the heart and mind so I can live the life God calls me to live.

Application: To take my time in reading and meditate on the verses to hear God completely when he is instructing me. Place the scriptures in my heart so when I need them I’ll have them near by.

Prayer: Dear Lord open my heart and mind to your word so I may live a life in glory and honor to you. Open my eyes to the path you have chosen for me and may I stay on it always.