Daily Devotional

Grace In My Time of Need

Scripture: Hebrews 4: [16] Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Observation: There is something I lack is confidence, but not confidence in myself but confidence in God. The creator of all things, the one who protects me each day and supplies my needs, how can I not have confidence in him? Maybe because I’m so wrapped up in myself I can’t see beyond that. I’ve just been laid off with no job prospects at this moment, we will most likely lose our home, unless God has other plans. I need God’s mercy and grace more than ever and I should be confident in him that his will, will be done in my life.

Application: I need to approach the throne and ask for God’s will in my life. Not a job that I think will make me secure, but the guidance to fulfill the purpose God has created me for. If I’m obedient and pray, read and do good works in his name God will bless me and it may not be with riches in this world, but treasures built up in heaven.

Prayer: Dear Lord I talk a good game, but I’m scared as always. My lack of faith is obvious. Increase my faith, grow me closer to you that I may hear your voice guiding me through this darkness into your light. I do love you more than anything and I realize I don’t show you that love as often as I should. Help me be the man after your own heart.

We Are His House

Scripture: Hebrews 3: [6] But Christ is faithful as a son over God’s house. And we are his house, if we hold on to our courage and the hope of which we boast.

Observation: The people of Christ is the house and body of Christ, but we must have faith in our Lord and strength that only comes from God. We are the people that will show this world the promise and love of Jesus. We are his representatives, his house, in this world and all are welcomed.

Application: I need to be part of the house of God and have the desire to be the welcome mat. That people will see the house and want to enter and be part of the promise of God. To draw my strength from God and not of myself or this world and to be focused on the purpose God has created me for.

Prayer: Dear Lord open my eyes and give me the strength to fulfill the purpose you have created me for. May I be part of your house and show others the way to enter. I’m here only to obey you and show my love for you, may I be successful.

Jesus is Able to Help

Scripture: Hebrews 2:[18] Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

Observation: I’m always tempted whether to do something I shouldn’t or do nothing at all. Several times I’ve been tempted to give up all together. My mind is constantly going and in most cases going in the wrong direction. I get so busy in my thoughts I don’t stop to give them to the only one that could truly help me, Jesus, and ask for his direction.

Application: To be silent and ask for God’s help and direction in my life. To find out what he wants and not to give in to the temptations that face me each day. To know not only can God get me out of the pit I’m in , but that he wants to and is only waiting until I ask him to.

Prayer: Dear Lord I’m helpless without you and I need you to guide me and tell me what you want from me. I need your help to stay away from temptation and to live a life pleasing to you. Take charge this day and calm my spirit that I may see want you desire.

The Radiance of God’s Glory

Scripture: Hebrews 1: [3] The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.

Observation: Jesus is the exact representation of God, he reflects who God is and we are called to become like Christ so that we may reflect God’s glory. What an awesome responsibility we have been given and I know that I can’t do it on my own. Unfortunately most of the time I represent myself or the reflection of the world and only through the Holy Spirit can I possibly show God’s glory in my life.

Application: Allow the Holy Spirit to take charge in my life. Start every day in prayer and ask God to fill me with is spirit and use me to reflect his glory through my life. Realize I represent my God in all that I do and say and be aware of my actions to those around me. People should be able to look at me and see a glimpse of God.

Prayer: Dear Father I am not worthy of this task, yet I know it is your desire. Please take charge of this servant and allow your will to be done in my life.

Sharing My Faith

Scripture: Philemon [6] I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.

Observation: I need to get more active in sharing my faith with others. When I do the Holy Spirit can speak through me and as I’m sharing I’m also learning what God is trying to teach me. I can’t however imagine understanding every good thing we have in Christ, because there is so much.

Application: Make a conscience effort to share my faith with those around me. Be bold in proclaiming who I am through Christ and then let others know how Jesus has touched my life and what he wants for them.

Prayer: Dear Lord give me boldness and opportunity to share my faith in you with those you put in my path. Fill me with the knowledge of you that I may share with others and grow in your love.

To Be Obedient to Those In Charge

Scripture: Titus 3:1 Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good.

Observation: I need to remind myself at times that I’m not in charge, but the ones God has put over me. At times my pride gets the best of me and I feel the gifts and talents God has given me makes me better than those that are my boss. I’ll criticize and make light of them to raise myself up instead of humbling myself to their authority.

Application: To realize God put these people over me and if I want to be obedient to God I must be obedient to them and that is the only way God will bless me and what I do. I must humble myself to their authority as if I would be humbling myself before my Lord. Jesus called me to serve, not to be served, to humble myself and not lift myself up. To support and help those that are in authority of me is honoring God.

Prayer: Dear Lord guide this servant to be the man you call me to be. To serve those you put over me and show you how I may serve you. May I use the gifts and talents you have given me to honor you and be a light in this world.

Nothing Bad Can Be Said About Me

Scripture: Titus 2:8 and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.

Observation: I seem to always be putting my foot in my mouth because I can’t keep my mouth shut. I’m always giving my opinion and talking about others instead of listening. People do have the opportunity to say bad things about me because I say bad things about others.

Application: I need to listen before I speak and be careful of what I say. I need to live a life of integrity so that my Lord may shine through me. I must live a life that no one can accuse me of anything, that I may be God’s representative to the people he surrounds me with.

Prayer: Dear Lord forgive me for the way I talk at times and show me how to be someone that can guide others to you. That when I speak people will know that it is the truth because of the example I have set.