Daily Devotional

Watch Your Life

Scripture: 1 Timothy 4: [16] Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.

Observation: I need to watch my life and see what others see. Am I anxious or patient, honest or are my actions questionable, do I represent my Lord or myself in what I do? I watch everyone else, but do I watch what I do so others can see the light of God in my life.

Application: I need to see what others see in my life. If I live this life for God others will see and be drawn to know my Lord and Savior and if I don’t all they will see is a hypocrite and an excuse not to follow Jesus.

Prayer: Dear Lord I can’t live this life without you and I need you each day. Be with me and show me how to live that others will see you through my life. You are worthy of my best show me how to glorify you.

Keeping Hold of the Truths of Faith

Scripture: 1 Timothy 3: [9] They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience.

Observation: Keeping hold is sometimes the hard part for me. I know the truths of faith, because God as shown me them over and over again, but keeping hold of them is something else. When I’m going through trials or things aren’t going my way I so easily forget the truths and focus on my situation.

Application: Always keep in my heart the truths of faith, how God is always with me and if I follow Him he will lead me and protect me. That faith without works is dead being of itself and that I need to be working for my Lord with service to others in his name. Keep the truths stored in my heart and use them constantly to fulfill the purpose God has set before me.

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith so that I may trust you with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding, but acknowledge you with all of my heart.

Everyone Needs Prayer

Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:4 who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

Observation: I know God wants no one to perish and he wants all men to be saved and he has given us that responsibility to tell others the truth of his love, mercy and grace. The Bible tells us that if we share and that person does not accept the gospel his life is on his head, however if we do not tell them their life is on our head. This is not a simple request, but our purpose for living to bring others home with us.

Application: I need to make a much better effort to share my faith with others around me, they are there because God put them in my path. This is my most important job and I need to treat it that way and not let embarrassment, laziness or fear get in my way.

Prayer: Dear Lord give me wisdom and courage to fulfill the purpose you put in my life. I’m here to serve you, show me how to please you.

I’m the Worst of Sinners

Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:16 But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.

Observation: That is how I feel at times that I was the worst of sinners the way I use to live my life, there was no reason for God to care about me, but he did. He waited 46 years before My eyes were open to his grace and mercy. So now I have the testimony of a loving God that was willing to wait for this sinner.

Application: I need to honor God for his patience and share my testimony of his love and grace. He has already arranged for people to come into my path to give them the opportunity to have eternal life with him and all I have to do is share his love with others. I need to look for those opportunities to bring others to his loving grace.

Prayer: Dear Lord I can’t thank you enough for your love and patience to want me with you when this life is over. Open my eyes to those you want me to share your love with and put the words in my mouth that will bring them to you.

Never Tire of Doing Good

Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 3:13 And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right.

Observation: That is me, I get tired of doing good and just want to do for myself. It is so easy to stop doing good, because doing good is doing for others. It doesn’t matter at times that it makes us feel good to do good or that it honors God, it is easy to stop and think of ourselves instead of what God desires.

Application: To realize I’m here for that purpose, to do good and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. My job, my purpose is to be the man God calls me to be and not the man I want because of laziness and self centeredness. Be focused on fulfilling my purpose by honoring God.

Prayer: Dear Lord I am here souly for the purpose of serving you by serving others in your name and to do good to please you. You are worthy of my best and I need your help to accomplish this goal you set before me. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and show me how to please you.

Encouraging Our Hearts

Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:17 encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.

Observation: I need to encourage my heart, tell it God has everything under control and he is watching over me. Lately my job has me to the point where I can’t sleep and I’m talking negative about it all the time to Teri. It is as if that is the only thing in my life and yet such a small part. I need to be strengthened and put God first and his will not mine.

Application: To give my worries to God and trust in him that he will lead me through this time and every time. Do his will and do good deeds and spread his word to others and he will make it happen, not me.

Prayer: Dear Lord you are worthy of all my love, praise and obedience and my trust. You are so trustworthy, give me strength to focus on you and do your will.

To Be Worthy of His Calling

Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 1:11 With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith.

Observation: To be called worthy of God’s calling is some feat, because we are so unworthy of anything God gives us. It will also take God’s power to fulfill anything we may have in mind to do in glory and honor to God, we will not be able to complete it in our strength. The act of faith, why is that so hard for me to have enough faith that God can work in me.

Application: To ask God to increase my faith and allow him to work through me. To step out in faith and look for opportunities to serve others and God in his name and at the end of each day I may be called worthy by Him.

Prayer: Dear Lord increase my faith and give me your power to do the things that you desire of me. May I complete the race you set before me an glorify and honor to your name.