Daily Devotional

Jesus Wept

Scripture: John 11:35 Jesus Wept

Observation: I was reading in another book about the traits of Jesus and the strongest of them is love. Everything He did on earth was because he loved the Father and He loves us. In all He did I can picture that He did everything in love whether healing, teaching or the time he spent with his disciples I believe his love always showed through and here it is proven again that Jesus loves so much he wept over his friend. God in flesh full of love and compassion weeping over us because we were dead in our sins.

Application: Jesus gave us two things that we must do, love God with all or heart, mind and soul and to love each other as ourselves. I plan to spend the rest of my life doing just that. Make it my number one and two goals in this life and that it would be evident to everyone around me. That I would love so much that I would weep for those who don’t know my God.

Prayer: Dear Lord I thank you for your love that you couldn’t bear when you saw me dying in sin that you reached out and saved me, I owe you everything, show me how to love in away that will please you.

He almost Killed Me

Scripture: John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Observation: Most of my life Satan was there to destroy me, mix up my thoughts that I wouldn’t even be able to see God and I let him. My mind was so focused on the bad I felt I didn’t want to be alive then Jesus came into my life. Even when I didn’t know him He was always there for me and now that I belong to Him, He has changed my life and given me purpose

Application: That Jesus is the giver of life and I need to stay close to Him always. I need to make sure I don’t stray and become prey for the devil. I need to be doing the will of the Father and keep myself busy bearing fruit for my God

Prayer: Dear Lord you know how my mind wonders and the devil is just waiting for me to stray. Keep me close to you and protect me from myself. May I glorify your name and may it please you that you created me

I Was Blind

Scripture: John 9:25 He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know I was blind but now I see!”

Observation: Most of my life I was blind. I didn’t see God or all the blessings He was giving me. I didn’t see the beauty of my surroundings or the people He surrounded me with. I was blind to his love. When I received Jesus he opened my eyes to the children, the elderly and homeless around me. The joy of serving and the beauty of his creation. He opened my eyes so I may see the man he created in me, someone I never saw before.

Application: Continue to improve my eyesight by reading and studying His word. To pray that I may see clearly what He desires for me.

Prayer: Dear Lord continue to open my eyes that I may see clearly the desires of your heart. Guide this sinner by the hand and direct me on how to do your will in this life.

I Can’t Throw the Stone

Scripture: John 8:7 When they kept on questioning him he straightened up and said to them, “If any of you is without sin let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”

Observation: I definitely can’t throw the stone. I’ve sinned so much through my life and even now being saved by God’s grace I still sin. Yet I still throw the stones and judge others. I think my ways of thinking are right yet not my ways but His.

Application: Start seeing others through God’s eyes and realize He alone is the only one that is able to judge, He is the only one without sin. Instead of judging or saying negative things I need to be loving and encouraging to others and help lead them to Jesus.

Prayer: Dear Lord I have no right to throw stones. I’m blessed I’m not dodging them the way I lived my life without you. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and show me the way to live this life in glory and honor to you.

Stop Judging

Scripture: John 7:24 Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment.

Observation: How many times do I make a judgment on a person by their appearance? I look at them once and come up what this person is like. I don’t try to get to know them if it’s someone I feel uncomfortable with.

Application: I need to look at everyone as God’s child. If God made them they are perfect in his sight, who am I to judge otherwise. I need to take the time to know someone or if it someone I meet just in passing I need to realize that person is God’s creation and to look at them through God’s eyes.

Prayer: Dear Lord take this very judgmental heart and fill it with your love. May I see others as you see them with love. May my actions draw them closer to you.

What Must I Do

Scripture: John 6:28 Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”

Observation: I wonder that each day, what should I be doing? God has created me for a purpose and requires me to do certain works to fulfill my purpose. Even though He guides me each day and opens doors I still feel as if I need an agenda to follow and know in advance what to do. The following verse says to believe in his Son. When I received Jesus as my Lord and savior my eyes were opened and I was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Application: God has put on my heart what he wants me to do and the life he wants me to lead. I should take each day and live it for God asking his direction in the decisions I need to make each day to fulfill the work he is calling me to do.

Prayer: Dear Lord guide me each day in your desires. Give me the skill, strength and courage to do the works you have called me to do.

I Want Praise from God

Scripture: John 5:44 How can you believe if you accept praise from one another yet make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from the only God?

Observation: I do try continually to get the praises of others. I want to be liked, and thought of highly by others. I can’t count the times I did that and compromised what God wanted of me.

Application: Everything I do and say should honor God in some way. I’m a child of the Father and I should act like it trying to get praise from Dad for doing His will. I need to come up with ways that are praiseworthy and plan out how to do them.

Prayer: Dear Father you are worthy of all my praise, obedience and worship. May I honor you this day in some way that will please you and be worthy of your praise.