Seeking the Good of Others
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:24 Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.
Observation: I spent most of my life just looking out for me and not caring for others at all. When Jesus came into my life He changed that, He put certain groups of people on my heart like the homeless, children and elderly. Then he continued putting on my heart people and he gave me the heart of a servant. Yet as God continues to change and soften my heart my focus continues to come back to me. I’m a much better man than I was before my Lord, but I still have a ways to go to be the man He wants.
Application: To search for the needs of others I can meet. Focus on my Lord and he will direct me to others and be obedient to what he desires in my life. Ask God to give me his eyes for his children that I may see them as He does.
Prayer: Dear Lord strengthen me and continue to soften my heart and give me a love for others. May I not grow weary of doing your will may I be missed by others when it is time to go home.