Appointed As A Servant
Scripture: Acts 25:7 Now get up and stand on your feet. I have appeared to you to appoint you as a servant and as a witness of what you have seen of me and what I will show you.
Observation: God has appointed me to be a servant to him and to others in his name. He set the example while on this earth to serve. That is my calling to serve others by using the gifts and talents God has given me and I wouldn’t truly be happy until I’m doing what God as called me to do.
Application: God continues to set up opportunities to serve others in his name and I need to resist any temptation not to serve. Laziness, tiredness and busyness are no reason not to serve. I have been appointed by the King and given power to accomplish what I need to accomplish.
Prayer: Dear Lord give me strength and discipline to fulfill my purpose, to serve. I am honored to be called your servant show me how to please you.