Daily Devotional

Favor with God and Man

Scripture: Luke 2:52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men.

Observation: That is what I should be doing, growing in wisdom and stature. I know I should be seen in favor with God, but why with men? My job is to spread the gospel and to bring others to Christ. If people don’t respect me they won’t respect what I say. My actions will prove to others that I’m sincere in my faith. I should never compromise my love and beliefs of God however to win people over as friends.

Application: Today in church we learned wisdom was the application of knowledge. I need to use the knowledge I have for the glory of God and to live a life that makes people notice. Then use this wisdom to bring others to Christ.

Prayer: Dear Lord I ask for wisdom to do your will. Open my heart and mind to the things you desire of me. I love you Lord and want to please you. Show me how.

Highly Favored by God

Scripture: Luke 1:28 The angel went to her and said, “Greetings you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”

Observation: I feel I’m highly favored by God yet I don’t deserve it. I know what I deserve by the way I’ve acted and treated others in the past. The love of God for me is so great and I know He is with me. This is a love I can’t understand, to treat someone so wonderful who is not deserving of it.

Application: Start treating others the way God is treating me. To show love and compassion no matter how they treat me. To honor God with this life He has given me. To love God the way he loves me. To devote the rest of my life pleasing and loving him.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for loving me. I am not worthy of your love and never will be, but draw me near and help me be the man you desire me to be. I love you and you deserve the best I have to offer.

Preach the Good News

Scripture: Mark 16:15 He said to them, “Go into the world and preach the good news to all creation.”

Observation: Jesus did not suggest that we preach the good news he commanded it. I have one main objective to preach the good news. God does not want anyone to perish so my job is to tell everyone I meet about Jesus and what he has done for me. Not only the people that are easy to talk to but to everyone I come in contact with. To Make an effort to find people to tell.

Application: Go out of my way and comfort zone to tell others the gospel. Make preaching the good news my top priority.

Prayer: Dear Lord give me wisdom, strength and courage to preach your words to the lost. Take the laziness away and the desires of this world and show me how to fulfill the purpose you have created me for.

Crucify Him

Scripture: Mark 15:13 “Crucify him,” they shouted

Observation: It was my fault that Jesus had to die the way he did. It was my sin that nailed him to the cross. Most of my life I yelled crucify him by the sins I committed and even now realizing all he has done for me I still think of what I want above what he wants for me. I might as well stood in the crowd with the rest and yelled, “Crucify him.”

Application: To live each day in appreciation of what Christ did for me. Realizing his death was the ultimate expression of his love. To live a life that shouts all hail to the King and live in glory and honor to him.

Prayer: Dear Lord you have given me your best, help me live the rest of my life in a way that would be pleasing to you. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and guide this servant each day. Take this laziness from me and show me what to do to please you.

What You Will

Scripture: Mark 14:36 “Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.”

Observation: There is nothing impossible for God and he knows everything. He knows my heart, my limitations, my mind. I’m not here to do what I want, but the will of my Father. He knows I’m suffering now with my hip replacement surgery coming up, what I should do about my work and this ringing in my head. I wish all of this would go away, but not my will.

Application: To have faith that God is in control and to stop living this life for me, but for my Father. To love my Abba with all my heart, strength and mind. To discover his will for me.

Prayer: Dear Lord open my eyes, my heart and soul to you. You are my creator, show me how to glorify you and take the focus off myself. Help me finish this race with glory and honor to you.

Gospel Must Be Preached

Scripture: Mark 13:10 And the gospel must first be preached to all nations

Observation: That’s my job, to spread the gospel. God has given me one main job, to spread the gospel. He has given me talents and gifts to use. He tells me He is with me and the Holy Spirit will put the right words in my mouth. My job is to speak boldly when given the opportunity, act as Jesus would and make myself available to God at all times.

Application: Remember how I act in front of others that I’m suppose to be representing Jesus not myself. My emotions are not important, but my job to spread the gospel is. My priority is to do the will of the Father and He does not want anyone to perish.

Prayer: Dear Lord use me to spread the gospel. May I not shriek of my responsibilities but glorify you. Give me the courage and wisdom to proclaim the gospel and give me the opportunities to share with others your good news.

Love God with All Your Heart

Scripture: Mark 12:30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.

Observation: All means everything and that is what my God deserves, nothing less. However what I give to God is far from my all. In the morning for a few minutes driving to work, read and do my journal when I get to work, then read a little more and pray before I go to bed is far from all. My life should reflect my love for God, but I fall so short of that. If I loved God the way I should I would live a life so differently.

Application: To love God the way I should He would be in my thoughts at all times. Every action and word I say should reflect that love. I should take any opportunity to share with someone about my greatest love .

Prayer: Dear Lord I do love you, but not nearly enough. Change my heart and show me how to express my love for you. For you are worthy of all my love, praise, time and obedience.