Daily Devotional

Have Mercy

Scripture: Luke 18:13 But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, “God have mercy on me a sinner.”

Observation: God has had mercy on me, this sinner. I may not have come as humble as I should have and only asked that he would just allow me to go without eternal punishment or reward. He showed me mercy and guided me through the rest of my life, never leaving me or forsaking me.

Application: I need to humble myself each day to my Lord. For I’m not worthy of Him, but he still loves me. I shouldn’t take his mercy lightly, but with gratitude and repentance, living a life worthy of the love he has for me.

Prayer: Dear Lord I thank you for the mercy and grace you show me each day and I ask that you guide me this day, that I will honor and glorify your name.

Doing My Duty

Scripture: Luke 17:10 So you also when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, “We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.”

Observation: Sometimes I think I’m better than most because I do a few things to honor God, but reality is I do very little of all I should be doing. I’m not worthy of God’s love or grace and I owe everything to him. I am an unworthy and lazy servant, yet God loves me. I deserve no praise or payment for what I do. I’m just trying to do my duty to my master.

Application: To be a better and appreciative servant. To complete the tasks God has given me with a thankful and willing spirit. To find ways to please my master and realize most of what I do is only a fraction of what I should be doing for God.

Prayer: My Lord and my master, guide this servant of yours to do what is right and pleasing in your sight. May I complete the duties you set before me in glory and honor to your name.

Can’t Serve Two Masters

Scripture: Luke 16:13 No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

Observation: This is so true, I can’t be focused on my money and serve God whole heartily. Lately we have saved up some money and I’m thinking about buying cars, doing things around the house or a vacation, but I haven’t asked God what he wants me to do with His money. My master is God and everything is His.

Application: Live for my master. Ask what he desires of me and be obedient to his calling. Everything I have has been given to me by God and he can have it back whenever he desires. Put my Father first in all I do.

Prayer: Dear Lord open this servant’s eyes to your desires. You are my Lord, master and love and deserve all that I have. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and guide me to fulfill my purpose.

I Was Lost

Scripture: Luke 15:32 But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found

Observation: That was me, lost. I spent most of my life living my way without concern for God or family. I didn’t care about anything but myself. Then God turned my life around. Putting people in my life, drawing me nearer to him until finally the day came to receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I can picture him running down the aisle at church and embracing me that day.

Application: It’s time to get busy and help others realize the love of God and how he waits for them. I should be busy fulfilling my calling of spreading the gospel, bringing others home to the Father.

Prayer: Dear Lord I’m weak and sinful. I need the filling of the Holt Spirit and power to do your will. Be with me Lord and guide me tonight as I’m part of the street evangelism team. Open a door for me to witness to someone in your name.

May I Be Humble

Scripture: Luke 14:11 For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

Observation: Most of my life I have dealt with pride. I feel I have abilities greater than most in some areas and exalt myself above others. It wasn’t until I was saved that I realize everything I have and am is a gift from God. I have no right to be proud in myself, only to be proud that my God loves me so much.

Application: My Lord tells me to be humble, to put others above myself and to serve him and others to glorify him. I need to see myself as a servant, a servant loved by his master and go out of my way to please him.

Prayer: Dear God, my Father and my master. Humble me before you and guide me through this life. Show me how to please you and be drawn closer to you.

Bear Fruit or Else

Scripture: Luke 13:8 Sir, the man replied, “leave it alone for one more year and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.”

Observation: I’m sure that is where I was with God. He gave me so many chances that he must have been to the point of letting me go. Jesus took me after I received him and started to prune my sinful ways, fertilized me with his word, watered me with his grace, where now there is some fruit, some reason for me to be here. He hasn’t stopped working in me and I pray before I go home that a harvest of fruit would be produced from this life he saved.

Application: To continue to allow God to work in me. To fight the laziness that stops me from honoring God and serving others. To make it a priority in my life to bear fruit for my Lord.

Prayer: Dear Lord empower me with the Holy Spirit that I will be able to do the things you desire me to do. That I will produce a harvest of fruit that you will be pleased you didn’t give up on me.

The Holy Spirit Will Teach

Scripture: Luke 12:12 for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.”

Observation: I plan to go out this Saturday with the street evangelism ministry. First I don’t want to go because it is in the evening and I feel my time is too precious to use to help save others. I’m so lazy and self-centered. When I go I’m going to be worried in what to do and say. I already have things planned out, and those plans didn’t include letting God use me. All I need to do is make myself available to God and let him use me as he sees fit.

Application: Dedicate my time and possession to God. It is all his. Make myself available to God and let him use me as he sees fit.

Prayer: Dear Lord I love you and want to serve you and others in your name. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and use this servant to please you.