All Things Are Possible
Scripture: Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Observation: I worry each day about so many things. As I write this I’m worried about my health to the point I making myself sicker. God has a plan and nothing is impossible for him. Whatever he desires will happen, yet I worry and focus on my problems, disregarding that my God is all powerful.
Application: Give my life totally to God and trust him with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding. Know no matter what happens God can make anything possible and if what I want doesn’t happen that God chose for it not to. I am a servant of God and not visa versa and I need to trust and relax that He has everything under control.
Prayer: Dear Lord I submit to your authority and that you are in complete control and that I will live a life in a way that will honor you. Increase my faith and guide me today to be pleasing to you.