Daily Devotional

Being Happy for Others

Scripture: Acts 15: [3] The church sent them on their way, and as they traveled through Phoenicia and Samaria, they told how the Gentiles had been converted. This news made all the brothers very glad.

Observation: The purpose of our church is to bring others to Jesus, but how glad are we when others receive the news? We get so involved in our lives and fellowship we forget our purpose. We are the church, one body, one purpose, there should be nothing that gives me more joy then the raising of a hand that just surrendered to Christ.

Application: To do my part to bring others to Christ. To support my pastor and church and do what I need to be doing to honor Christ. To focus and rejoice that I’m part of the body that’s mission is to “Bring People to Christ and live life to the fullest.”

Prayer: My Lord open my eyes to the part you desire me to play, to serve my church and rejoice when the lost ones are found.

Speaking Boldly

Scripture: Acts 14: [3] So Paul and Barnabas spent considerable time there, speaking boldly for the Lord, who confirmed the message of his grace by enabling them to do miraculous signs and wonders.

Observation: If I stand up and speak boldly for the Lord I wonder how He will confirm the message? First I need to gather the courage and step out of my comfort zone, then speak boldly about my God to others. His grace will make it evident that the words are true.

Application: Get out of my comfort zone and take opportunities to speak up to others in Jesus name. Allow God to work through me for His glory.

Prayer: Dear Lord open my heart and mouth to speak up in glory and honor to you. Use me as a vessel to carry the living water to others.

Hearing The Good News

Scripture: Acts 13: 48 When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed.

Observation: When I heard the Word of the Lord it changed my life, bringing me joy and a purpose. I heard the word from my son-in-law at first, then my pastor and others around me. Now it’s my time to allow others to hear the word of God through me. God continues to open avenues for me to share His word, may I be obedient and do it.

Application: Search for those who need to hear the word of God and be bold to share. Be a person others want to talk to leaving myself open to share my testimony with them.

Prayer: Dear Lord use your servant to share with others your love and desire for them. May I be able to see them in heaven as they share eternal life with me.


Scripture: Acts 12:5 So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.

Observation: I pray every morning, but sometimes I realize it’s becoming a routine and not an earnest prayer or an expected one. I pray when it is convenient for me most of the time instead of making a commitment to earnestly seek God.

Application: I need to take a special time with my Lord and pray, meditate and listen to what He wants me to do. This is what God calls me to do, He wants a relationship with Him and not a one way one. If I seek Him I will hear from Him. Hearing from God needs to be a priority in my life.

Prayer: Dear Lord help me grow close to you. Teach me how to pray and become this man you desire me to be.

According to Our Abilities

Scripture: Acts 11: [29] The disciples, each according to his ability, decided to provide help for the brothers living in Judea.

Observation: God has given me gifts and talents He wants me to use to honor Him by serving others. He has given me a gift of cooking and organizing to help the church at events and yesterday the gift of counseling by just expressing my love and trust in Him to others. God has blessed me with so much it’s time to share this with the ones He loves.

Application: I need to find ways to use my gifts to provide help to others in Jesus name. I shouldn’t wait until an opportunity comes to me, but go out and search out ways to use my gifts and talents.

Prayer: Dear Lord open my eyes to what you want me to do. Put in my path the things you want me to do that I may glorify you.

A Memorial Offering

Scripture: Acts 10: 4 Cornelius stared at him in fear. “What is it, Lord?” he asked.
The angel answered, “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God.

Observation: What do I give God as a memorial offering? Is it the way I act, the things I do or my gifts to the poor? If it is, it’s not much of an offering, it may even be considered an insult. My intentions are good at times, yet my focus comes back on what I want more then what God wants.

Application: My life should be a living sacrifice given onto God. There should not be a day that goes by that I don’t bring a smile on His face. Before I do or say anything I must say to myself does this honor God?

Prayer: Dear Lord fill me with the Holy Spirit and direct your servant to honor you. Use what I do today as an offering pleasing to you.

Speaking Fearlessly

Scripture: Acts 9: [27] But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and that the Lord had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had preached fearlessly in the name of Jesus.

Observation: That is what I want to do is speak fearlessly for my Lord. Not to worry about what others think, but how my God will think of my actions. Jesus has spoken to my heart, yet I delay or ignore His request. It’s time to stand up and preach fearlessly in His name.

Application: I am a child of God, a servant of the most high before anything else, including husband or father. Jesus deserves my total self and everyone should know that.

Prayer: My Lord give me courage and strength to speak of you to others. May I stand strong in your presence and may that all that know me, know I’m yours.