Daily Devotional

I want to Overcome

Scripture: Revelations 21: [7] He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.

Observation: Overcoming is resisting the temptations of this world and sin. Honoring God with my life is what I want to do. I want God to know as His loving son, that I will live this life and my life to come to glorify Him.

Application: Keep God in my thoughts always. Before I do or say anything think if it honors God or not. If I catch myself having a bad attitude or not having a grateful heart that I would repent and change in a way that honors God.

Prayer: Dear Lord show me how to live a life that will glorify you and guide others to you. Help me live a life knowing you.

I’m in the Book

Scripture: Revelations 20: [12] And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books.

Observation: Because of Jesus and my believe in Him my name is written in the book of life, but how will I be judged on what I have done. God saved me for a purpose, will I fulfill my purpose or let many things go undone. I’m coming to the end of this life here, will God read the book and look at me with a smile or disappointment.

Application: It’s not too late to honor God and fulfill the reason He put me here. I need to make His will priority in my life and strive to see Him smile and be proud of me when It’s time to go home.

Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for saving me from Hell. Show me the work You desire of me and give me the strength, wisdom and discipline to do it.

Glorify God

Scripture: Revelations 19: :1 After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting:
Salvation and glory and power belong to our God,

Observation: Everything belongs to God especially my praise, obedience, worship and my life plus everything God has given me. Why do I act it’s about me most of the time? What I have is not mine including the time God has given me, my possessions aren’t mine, but a gift from God and the most important thing I have is my salvation which was given me, which I don’t deserve.

Application: Live my life knowing everything is God’s and I’m only here to fulfill the purpose He has given me. Give God all the glory and honor and have a thankful heart always.

Prayer: Dear Lord you are worthy of all. Show me how to please you. May I live a life that honors you and makes you proud of your child.

Coming Out of Sin

Scripture: Revelations 18: 4 Then I heard another voice from heaven say:
“Come out of her, my people,
so that you will not share in her sins,
so that you will not receive any of her plagues;

Observation: This verse is telling me to go away from worldly treasures and desires and not to share in the consequences of following the devil and in this I will not suffer in the sins.

Application: I need to stay away from temptation like greed, lust, envy and the way of this fallen world and be focused on the rewards of heaven and pleasing my God. As long as my focus is in this world I will be of little or no use to God and will miss the purpose I was called for.

Prayer: My Lord I thank you for this opportunity to serve you and I need you. I can’t make it here without you, so set my eyes and desires on you and not the things of this world.

A Mind of Wisdom

Scripture: Revelations 17: 9 “This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits.

Observation: Living this life for Christ calls for a mind with wisdom. Wisdom to discover right from wrong, to make right decisions, to know when to listen and when to speak, and a mind that serves God and others before yourself. A wisdom that can only come from God, time in His word and patience to hear His Voice.

Application: To strive to obtain that wisdom each day. To always read the word each day, to pray for wisdom and to live a life for Christ, not self. To make right decisions each day for the right reasons.

Prayer: Dear Lord I ask for wisdom to live this life in glory and honor to you. Please give me the knowledge to do what is right and the courage and strength to do it.

God’s Judgments are True

Scripture: Revelations 16: 7 And I heard the altar respond:”Yes, Lord God Almighty,true and just are your judgments.”

Observation: I wonder at times why God does what He does. Last night I found out our pastor has bleeding on the brain and there is nothing they can do. I’m not sure what is going to happen and Easter is only a couple of weeks away. Why would something like this happen to a servant of God at this time?

Application: God is in complete control and everything He does is just and right. I need to remember we were not created for this place, but to be with God in heaven. I need to stop questioning and start trusting in God in all circumstances.

Prayer: Dear Lord I thank you for loving and creating me. Increase my faith that I will trust in you completely and serve you and do my part to glorify you.

Victories Over the Beast

Scripture: Revelations 15: [2] And I saw what looked like a sea of glass mixed with fire and, standing beside the sea, those who had been victorious over the beast and his image and over the number of his name. They held harps given them by God

Observation: I want to be victorious each day over the beast (the temptations, my pride, my greed, etc.) The beast is Satan and my sinful nature. It is a fight each day that I need to win, but can’t alone. I need God each day to fight the beast for me, but I always need to be aware that I am in a fight.

Application: I need to realize I’m in a battle each day with the beast. I need to be aware of the enemy and it’s tactics. I need to call on the Holy Spirit for help to overcome the beast each day.

Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for my life here and especially my life with you forever. Be with me in battle today so I may be victorious over the beast and glorify you.