Scripture: James 1: [3] because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
Observation: My faith, unfortunately is easily tested. My concern for my finances with a cut in pay, my future employment, because the company is doing poorly, but the more mature I get in Christ and see how He gets me through all these trials the stronger my faith has become. I don’t worry as much and have confidence that Jesus has control of my life and He is always with me. So I continue each day searching for His will in my life.
Application: Stop when I begin to feel anxious or worry and look back at all God has done and all He has gotten me through. Be strengthened in that and continue to seek His will for each day.
Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for your love and faithfulness and forgive me at times for my lack of faith. Continue to strengthen your servant that I will fulfill my purpose in glory and honor to your name.