Daily Devotional

According to Our Abilities

Scripture: Acts 11: [29] The disciples, each according to his ability, decided to provide help for the brothers living in Judea.

Observation: God has given me gifts and talents He wants me to use to honor Him by serving others. He has given me a gift of cooking and organizing to help the church at events and yesterday the gift of counseling by just expressing my love and trust in Him to others. God has blessed me with so much it’s time to share this with the ones He loves.

Application: I need to find ways to use my gifts to provide help to others in Jesus name. I shouldn’t wait until an opportunity comes to me, but go out and search out ways to use my gifts and talents.

Prayer: Dear Lord open my eyes to what you want me to do. Put in my path the things you want me to do that I may glorify you.

A Memorial Offering

Scripture: Acts 10: 4 Cornelius stared at him in fear. “What is it, Lord?” he asked.
The angel answered, “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God.

Observation: What do I give God as a memorial offering? Is it the way I act, the things I do or my gifts to the poor? If it is, it’s not much of an offering, it may even be considered an insult. My intentions are good at times, yet my focus comes back on what I want more then what God wants.

Application: My life should be a living sacrifice given onto God. There should not be a day that goes by that I don’t bring a smile on His face. Before I do or say anything I must say to myself does this honor God?

Prayer: Dear Lord fill me with the Holy Spirit and direct your servant to honor you. Use what I do today as an offering pleasing to you.

Speaking Fearlessly

Scripture: Acts 9: [27] But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and that the Lord had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had preached fearlessly in the name of Jesus.

Observation: That is what I want to do is speak fearlessly for my Lord. Not to worry about what others think, but how my God will think of my actions. Jesus has spoken to my heart, yet I delay or ignore His request. It’s time to stand up and preach fearlessly in His name.

Application: I am a child of God, a servant of the most high before anything else, including husband or father. Jesus deserves my total self and everyone should know that.

Prayer: My Lord give me courage and strength to speak of you to others. May I stand strong in your presence and may that all that know me, know I’m yours.

Speaking God’s Word Boldly

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: Acts 4: [29] Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.

Observation: I have a hard time speaking God’s word with boldness at times. Embarrassment, inconvenience, laziness, lack of faith are just some of the reasons. You would think after all God has done for me I would stand boldly for Jesus. This scripture tells me I can ask God so I can speak His word boldly and not totally depend on my sinful self to do so.

Application: Each day I need to pray that God will enable me to speak His word boldly to others. To spread the gospel and all He has done for me without hesitation and boldly in Jesus’ name.

Prayer: My Lord enable your servant to speak your word with great boldness.

Good News of Jesus

Scripture: Acts 8: [35] Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus.

Observation: How many people have I told about the good news of Jesus? Each day I draw nearer to being with my Lord, but I’m not getting busy doing His work. Instead of taking time out to do His will, I’d rather relax or do what I want to do. He saved me for a purpose, to tell others about the good news of eternity and what Jesus did for us. What stopping me? Me!!

Application: My purpose in my Lord must be first. Today I have an opportunity to counsel others and instead of whining about not being home or with my wife I should be honored that God would allow me to do this. I need to get up early and work out to strengthen this body to fulfill my purpose and to tell others the “Good News.”

Prayer: My Lord I’m weak and lazy, help me fulfill the purpose you have created me for. Give me strength to spread the good news.


Scripture: Acts 7: [60] Then he fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, he fell asleep.

Observation: This was Stephen speaking, one of my favorite disciples. I wish I can stand boldly in adversity and tell the truth about Jesus no matter what. After telling the truth and accusing them of being like their ancestors, they began to stone him, yet with the love and power of the Holy Spirit he asked God to forgive them. That wouldn’t be me, I would have asked God to destroy them.

Application: I need to have a more forgiving and loving spirit. My first reaction when I have been wronged is revenge and it needs to be love. The life I led was dishonoring to God and I deserved to burn in Hell, but because of Jesus forgiving ways I have a new home for all of eternity.

Prayer: Dear Lord give me the heart of Stephen, bold to spread the gospel, with a forgiving heart.

I Want to be Worthy

Getting Over Depression Journal

Scripture: Acts 5: 41 The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.

Observation: I want to be counted worthy by God. Whether suffering for His name, fulfilling the purpose for my life, honoring Him with all I have, I just want to please Him. I want the feeling a small child has when they please their Father. I want to make a gift out of my life that I can give and bring a smile to my Father’s face.

Application: Stop being so concerned about what is happening in this world and live my life for God. No matter what, be that light for God to people around me. Live a life worthy of my Lord and Savior.

Prayer: Dear Lord help me be that man you call me to be. May the choices I make always glorify you. Show me how to be worthy.