Being Happy for Others
Scripture: Acts 15: [3] The church sent them on their way, and as they traveled through Phoenicia and Samaria, they told how the Gentiles had been converted. This news made all the brothers very glad.
Observation: The purpose of our church is to bring others to Jesus, but how glad are we when others receive the news? We get so involved in our lives and fellowship we forget our purpose. We are the church, one body, one purpose, there should be nothing that gives me more joy then the raising of a hand that just surrendered to Christ.
Application: To do my part to bring others to Christ. To support my pastor and church and do what I need to be doing to honor Christ. To focus and rejoice that I’m part of the body that’s mission is to “Bring People to Christ and live life to the fullest.”
Prayer: My Lord open my eyes to the part you desire me to play, to serve my church and rejoice when the lost ones are found.