Daily Devotional

Jesus’ Compassion

Scripture: Matthew 14: [14] When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.

Observation: I remember before I was saved how many times Christ compassion saved me. He must have looked down on me so many times and no matter what I did He still reached out to heal me. Even now His love and compassion gets me through each day.

Application: I need to realize Jesus compassion for me and be able to extend that compassion to others in His name. If someone is hurting I need to reach out and listen, if someone wrongs me I need to think of how I wronged Jesus most of my life and with compassion forgive and help them. I need to be more like Christ.

Prayer: My Lord I love you and thank you for not giving up on me. Give me the love and strength to show your compassion for me to others.

I Want to Be Good Soil

Scripture: Matthew 13: [23] But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”

Observation: I feel I’m good soil yet what am I producing? Am I increasing God’s harvest? Do I spread the word of God or simply trying to be a good person and if someone asks then I might say something. Do I come out of my comfort zone with unbelievers or am I just bold with other Christians.

Application: I need to grow outside of my comfort and be willing to show others how Christ is working in my life and what He wants to do in theirs. It’s time to grow and produce fruit according to the spirit of God.

Prayer: My Lord may this servant be good soil. May the harvest be plentiful and pleasing in your sight.

How’s My Speech?

Scripture: Matthew 12: [34] You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.

Observation: Even though I try each day to speak words of love and encouragement to honor God, it doesn’t take long before I say a sarcastic remark, a hurtful statement or an angry word. For me to say good things I need to think about it, yet to say unkind words they come out immediately.

Application: I need to work harder on my heart instead of my speech. I need to appreciate all that God has given me and build that in my heart. I need to pray for a softening of my heart.

Prayer: My Lord soften this servant’s heart that it will honor you with my actions, thoughts and words. Use me as an encourager in this world to honor you.

Learning From Jesus

Scripture: Matthew 11: [29] Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Observation: I read each day and I know what Jesus has done and what his message is, but do I learn from Him? When the time comes that I need to put in practice what I’ve learned I simply try to handle things in my own power and thoughts. Jesus asks me to do it together with Him, yet I continue to try to tackle life on my own.

Application: Jesus loves me and is prepared to be right by me walking and teaching me as I go on this journey. I need to let Him take charge and I need to learn.

Prayer: Dear Lord guide me each day and open my eyes to what it is you want me to learn. May I be a good student and graduate this life to the next.

Not Me Speaking

Scripture: Matthew 10: [20] for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

Observation: I have experienced this more than once when I step out to talk or comfort someone in Jesus name. Words come forth and it is as if I’m standing next to me listening. I watch the expression on people’s faces as He speaks through me and how His words comfort and guide them. I want more of that.

Application: I need to make myself more available to God. I need to offer myself more to others and give God more opportunities to use me to speak through me.

Prayer: My Lord I’m nothing without you, but with you there is nothing I can’t do. So guide me this day and give me an opportunity to be used by you that your name will be glorified.

According to Your Faith

Scripture: Matthew 9: 29 Then he touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith will it be done to you”;

Observation: According to my faith, what would be done for me? I talk a good game yet every day my lack of faith comes out through worrying and anxiety. I’m concerned over money and health and work. Yet God has never let me down. What kind of faith is that?

Application: I need to catch myself when I become overwhelmed or fearful. Stop and pray and give it to my Lord, who is faithful and loving. I need to ask God to increase my faith and learn to trust Him in everything.

Prayer: My Lord increase my faith and open my eyes to your desires. I’m here only because you want me here and whatever happens to me is under your control.

Astonishing Faith

Scripture: Matthew 8: 10 When Jesus heard this, he was astonished and said to those following him, “I tell you the truth, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.

Observation: I lack faith, even though God shows himself to me each day of my life. I want to be that man that Jesus was astonished by his faith instead of disappointed by my lack of. I don’t want God to look down on me and shake his head because of my lack of faith anymore.

Application: I need not worry, fear or be anxious. God has chosen me to fulfill a purpose and no matter what trial I might be going through God will guide me through it, if I let Him.

Prayer: My Lord increase my faith and guide me this day. May I astonish you with my faith and honor you.