Eternal Life is Knowing God
Scripture. John 17:3 And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent
Observation: Are goal on this earth is to know God and Jesus better each day. To try to understand the love they have for us, even though that will not happen until we are with them in heaven. To be obedient to God’s word will show our love to God and it will be a journey every day, but knowing the destination will give us strength to persevere.
Application: That is my goal today as every day to go out and understand God a little more. Look for His children that He will put in my path and share His love with them. Each day is a new experience and when I return home, I want to know my Lord.
Prayer My Lord I’m yours and I pray that You will be with me today as I walk in your creation. Keep my eyes open to what it is you want me to see and that I will be obedient to all that You call me to do today. I’m look forward to walking with you as always.