Daily Devotional

Eternal Life is Knowing God

Scripture. John 17:3 And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent

Observation: Are goal on this earth is to know God and Jesus better each day. To try to understand the love they have for us, even though that will not happen until we are with them in heaven. To be obedient to God’s word will show our love to God and it will be a journey every day, but knowing the destination will give us strength to persevere.

Application: That is my goal today as every day to go out and understand God a little more. Look for His children that He will put in my path and share His love with them. Each day is a new experience and when I return home, I want to know my Lord.

Prayer My Lord I’m yours and I pray that You will be with me today as I walk in your creation. Keep my eyes open to what it is you want me to see and that I will be obedient to all that You call me to do today. I’m look forward to walking with you as always.

Jesus Has Overcome the World

Scripture John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

Observation: How easy is it to forget that Jesus has overcome the world with all the evil that is happening all around us. If we stayed focused on God’s word it tells us this is all temporary and Satan’s hold on this world is going to come to an end. If we live for eternal life now, that will bring us joy and the ability to fulfill the purpose God has given us here. Doing God’s will now in the midst of tribulation will bring us joy.

Application: Continue to persevere each day following the Holy Sprit’s lead. Stay focused on what God has called me to do and set my mind on things above and not on this earth. Speak to others to encourage them to stay on the path that God has called them to and be the best example I can be.

Prayer My Lord, I thank you for all you’ve done for me and the realization of coming home to You when You are ready. Help me continue to do your will in this life and that I will honor You each day that I’m here.

Jesus Chose Me!

Scripture John 15:16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.

Observation: I wonder why Jesus chose me? I don’t feel as if I have any qualities that would draw Him to me, even as a child I was one of the last to be picked when playing a sport. Most of my life I felt as if I was an outcast and didn’t belong, but for some reason my Lord chose me. I don’t want to let Him down and I do want to bear fruit for Him. Since He chose me, He must have given me everything I need to perform whatever task He created me for so in faith I need to go out and honor Him.

Application: The thing I need to ask the Father in Jesus name is that He would grant my way with success as I go out to bear fruit. That the Holy Spirit would work through me and that I would glorify Him. I can’t think of anything more than I want but to please my Lord and to make Him proud that He chose me.

Prayer My Lord I am not worthy to be chosen, but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Please strengthen and guide your servant today that it would bring a smile to your face. Thank you, Lord, for choosing me.

He’s Coming Again

Scripture John 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.

Observation: I can’t wait to see the place Jesus is preparing for me. I don’t deserve this honor, but it’s what God wants to do. I believe Jesus will be returning soon and I’m anxious to see Him. All the prophesies have been fulfilled and this world has become almost pure evil and God can’t bless sin, so hopefully time is short.

Application: I need to live as each day might be the day I’ll be going home. I need to be about my Father’s business listening and obeying what the Holy Spirit is telling me. I need to put God and others first and not be selfish, but to spread the word of His unfailing love.

Prayer Thank you Jesus for loving me so much that You would take on my sins and then build me a mansion to live in. I can’t imagine how wonderful heaven will be and there is no way that I could earn entrance to such a magnificent place but I thank you for Your invitation.

Jesus Loves Us to the End

Scripture John 13:1 Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart from this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end.

Observation: It’s hard to believe that Jesus can love us that much. All the sins that I’ve committed and the people that I’ve hurt in my life, yet God calls me His own. Most of my life I wasn’t His, but He was patient and waited on me to open my eyes to His remarkable love.

Application: I know that He loves me He shows me each day as I walk and talk to Him. I also know that He loves His children and always will and asked me to treat them with the same love that He gives me. It’s a task I most likely will not accomplish, but each day I try harder and harder to see others through His eyes.

Prayer My Lord, I can’t thank you enough for this glorious love You give me every day. Put your children in my path that we may share our love for You and those that are lost. Use me to set them back on the path You want for them.

Looking for Praise

Scripture John 12:43 for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.

Observation: This has been a problem of mine. I do seek the praise from God, but I still want the praise of men. I want to feel important in this world and that is one of my greatest sins. I know the only praise that means anything is glorifying God and I start each day trying to accomplish that, but as soon as anyone says anything good about me, I get prideful.

Application: Anything that people see that is good in me I need to give God the glory, because that is where it came from. There is nothing good in me apart from my Lord and others need to know that I represent my Lord and not myself.

Prayer My Lord I’m yours and I want to glorify You today. May others see You in me and may I always give you the praise You deserve.

Glory of God

Scripture John 11:4 When Jesus heard that, He said, “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.”

Observation: Most of my life I lived in the sickness of depression. I tried six times to end my life, but each one failed. I never thought this depression one day would be used to glorify God, but it started when at forty-six years old I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior. He used my depression testimony to help others draw closer to Him. He knew one day that this could glorify Jesus so He stopped me six times from ending this life.

Application: I need to continue to use my testimony and gifts to glorify God. As I walk along the strand each day praying for others and sharing my testimony, I need to make sure God gets the glory. I still have the symptoms of depression, but as Paul says please remove this thorn from my flesh, but if not, your grace is sufficient.

Prayer Dear Lord please use me to glorify You. Make me an instrument You can use and that others may see your love through me.