Daily Devotional

I’m In God’s Hand

Scripture John 10:28 And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.

Observation: Jesus has given us eternal life and not because we deserve it, but because it’s God’s will. Imagine that God loves us so much to give us eternal life with Him after all we have done. I’m not proud of my life before my Lord entered it and I’ve tried to live a life that would honor Him. I belong to my Lord now and am confident that I will always be with Him.

Application: Knowing that nothing can take me out of God’s hand should not give me freedom to do whatever I want, but know that I belong to God. I want to do what He desires. Knowing His love for me gives me strength to do the things that will honor Him. Can’t wait to get home and thank my Lord in person.

Prayer: I love it in Your hands my Lord. I thank you for wanting me, even though I don’t know why. May I continue to grow closer to You as I walk the path You choose for me. I can never repay You, but may I please You today.

The Works of God

Scripture John 9:3 Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him.

Observation: The works of God are always visible if we open our eyes. You can see it in His creation and others. We get so busy taking care of our own needs and desires we don’t take the time to look around or speak to others to hear the works God has done in their lives. The great joy I get to experience each day is to see the works of God in others as I pray for them. I hear countless stories about how God is working in their lives and their desire to draw closer to them.

Application: I need to continue to share the work of God in my life and how He works through me. My testimony that God has given me can comfort others and draw them closer to God. I need to always be on the lookout to see God’s work in this fallen world and to thank Him for them.

Prayer My Lord You are great and your works are wonderful. Help me stay focused on You each day so that I may see Your wonders and share them with others.

The Father of Lies

Scripture John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.

Observation: Most of my life I believed the lies of the devil. They kept me in bondage and away from God. You can see the devil even clearer now as he uses is dominions to spread lies throughout the world. He must be coming to his end since he is trying so hard to deceive so many with his lies. If we don’t stay focused on God and His word, we can easily become lost.

Application: I still get distracted by the lies of the enemy. I can get caught up in all the evil that is happening and lose my focus on my Lord. I need to make sure I’m in the word and doing the will of my Lord and not be distracted by the lies.

Prayer My Lord I lived most of my life listening to the lies of the devil and it destroyed my life. I now have the truth living in me, help me stay focused on You and your will for my life for You are the truth and light.

Receiving the Holy Spirit

Scripture John 7:39 But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

Observation: I get to spend each day with the Holy Spirit. He speaks through me to others and guides me where He desires me to go. The longer I walk with Him the closer I get and begin to understand what He desires of me. It’s been a wonderful journey as I meet my brothers and sister in Christ each day and are able to share our love for the Father.

Application: I need too always make sure I’m in God’s will and allow the Holy Spirit to use me. I need to be aware of His presence in my life and to make sure I’m serving Him in the way He desires. I need to be that faithful servant God calls me to be each day and be obedient.

Prayer My Lord thank you for guiding your servant and using me to do Your will. Please be with me today as I walk the strand and put the people You desire me to meet in my path and that it will glorify You.

Believing in Jesus

Scripture John 6:40 And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.”

Observation: When I was first saved, I asked for Jesus to come into my life, but didn’t really know Him at all. During my walk the last 26 years I’ve gotten to know Him on a personal level. I’ve served alongside Him during outreaches and speak to Him every day. I continue to study the word to understand more fully what my role is and more about my beloved savior. I know that I’m saved and one day I’ll be with Him forever, but one thing that I struggle with is how can He love me that much? I guess I’ll have to wait for the answer when I see Him face to face.

Application: I know Jesus and the Holy Spirit is with me every day. There is so much going around these days and it’s hard not to get caught up in all the evil that is happening around me. I need to live my life focused on my Lord and to be in God’s will every day. I’m called to be a light and I can’t do that if my attention is drawn away from my purpose here.

Prayer Dear Lord thank you for loving me. Please continue to use me as You desire and that You will help me be focused on You. I know I’ll only be here for a short while until it’s time to go home. Help me be that faithful servant You desire.

Seeking the Will of the Father

Scripture John 5:30 I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me.

Observation: As Christians we are called to be like Jesus. None of us will ever be able to totally duplicate Jesus’ righteousness, but that shouldn’t stop us from trying. Jesus’ purpose was to seek the will of His Father and that should also be out goal to seek His will in our lives. We shouldn’t make excuses saying we don’t know His will, because of His Word we do and He is gracious to show us why we are here.

Application: I need to take it a day at a time as God indicates in His word. Today I start my day with Him and His word and will go out to the strand to pray for others. God will open a door if there is something else, He desires of me and I need to be ready to do it.

Prayer My Lord open my eyes to your will and guide me today. May I bring You pleasure as I speak to Your children and You would put that person You want to talk to in my path. I thank you for this privilege to be used by You. Grant my ways with success.

Fruit for Eternal Life

Scripture John 4:36 And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.

Observation: I’m called to reap in God’s field and I receive joy that I don’t deserve for being obedient, but not only that God will pay me wages for this obedient. God owes me nothing, but I owe Him everything and he still gives. I can’t wait to thank Him in person for all that He has done for me, I can’t imagine taking anything else from my Lord.

Application: I need to continue to stay busy working for my Master. He deserves the best I can do and I know He wants His children home with Him when this life is over. I need to go out and hand out these invitations to eternal life.

Prayer My Lord I thank you for all you have done and given me and I know I’m not worthy, but only out of your love for me that I can receive them. Guide me today as I go out to the field that I may touch someone’s heart in glory and honor to your name.