Daily Devotional

Need to Be Born Again

Scripture John 3:3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

Observation: When I was first born, I lived my life the way I thought I wanted to. My only concern was me and what I thought was good for me. I lived a life of depression and selfishness and suffered for it. I hated my life and tried to end it several times. The second time I was born through Christ everything changed. I had surrendered myself to His mercy and grace. God renewed my mind and helped me live a life that was worthy of being His child.

Application: I wish I could say that I’m living a perfect life honoring God, I know that’s not true, but He helps me each day grow closer to that goal. I need to completely submit my will for His and listen and obey His commands for my life. I’m now born of the spirit and need to ask guidance each day.

Prayer Good morning, Lord. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be born again. I couldn’t believe my life could be so wonderful living for You. I need your help again today to stay on the path You have chosen for me. May I bring a smile to your face today.

Doing Whatever He Says

Scripture John 2:5 His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.”

Observation: Jesus gave us His commands in His word that we are told to do and we should do whatever He asks of us. He has told us to love God with all of our heart, to love others, to keep the commandments, do to others as we would do for ourselves and to spread the gospel. These are commands we are called to do and we need to do them out of love for our God.

Application: I stray at times from what God calls me to do, but I ask that He continues to help me focus on his word in my life. I need to stay close to Him during the day asking the Holy Spirit to guide me on the path that was chosen for me. There is nothing more important in this world than to obey what Jesus has told me to do.

Prayer My Lord continue to work in me and command your servant. Help me stay on the path and use me to accomplish the purpose I have been created for. I love You and my desire today is to obey You.

The Lamb Takes Away Our Sins

Scripture John 1:29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!

Observation: Jesus is so great that that He took our sins away. This was at a great sacrifice and something we will never be able to repay. I can’t imagine the love He has for us to go through all the pain to save us and to take the many sins each one of us has from us, but if we received Jesus as our Lord and Savior that is exactly what He did.

Application: I need to live each day in gratitude to my Lord for what He did for me. Instead of my life ending here it will just begin in heaven. I’m called to share this miracle with others for God’s gift is for anyone that will believe and receive His grace. I need to represent my Lord each day to others in a way that will draw them closer to God.

Prayer My Lord thank you for taking away my sins. Guide me today on the journey You desire me to take and put me in the path of those You want to speak with and may they see your loving grace.

Why Am I Troubled?

Scripture Luke 24:38 And He said to them, “Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts?

Observation: I continue to grow closer to God each day, but why am I still troubled? Is it because of the doubts that arise in my mind? My lack of faith becomes evident at times even though God continues to prove himself faithful. My own sinful nature and the prompting of the enemy stirs doubts in my mind at time and until I give those doubts to God I suffer for a while and are troubled.

Application: I need to stay closer to God so my thoughts don’t go astray and need to meditate on His word. Jesus said this life will have trials and tribulations, but with Him by my side He will get me through them. Each day is designed for me to draw closer to my maker and that is what my goal needs to be for each day.

Prayer My Lord draw me near to You. Help me stay focused on Your plan for my life and not be distracted by the things that are going on around me. May my mind be focused on you and Heaven, my eternal home.

Father, Forgive Them

Scripture Luke 23:34 Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” And they divided His garments and cast lots.

Observation: Jesus just suffered the most horrific torture. He was nailed to a cross and was looking over the people that mocked Him and this was His first words on the cross in anguish He asked the Father to forgive these people.

Application: We’ve could have been counted among these people that day. I know most of my life I rejected Him and turned my back on Jesus. There was no reason to forgive me for the things that I did, yet He forgave me. There is no one in this world that has done anything to us in comparison to what was done to Jesus that day and we have no right not to forgive.

Prayer Dear Lord, I can’t thank you enough for your forgiveness. Continue to give me the heart to forgive others and that I will be the man that they can forgive. Fill me with the Holy Spirit that I may live a life that is worthy of You.

God’s Will Be Done

Scripture Luke 22:42 saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.”

Observation: I don’t know how many times I ask God for things in prayer without considering is this God’s will? God asks me for simple things and yet I still struggle. I try to deny that certain things are God’s will because I would prefer not to do them and those are the times I need to be the most obedient doing them exactly as God calls me to. Looking back those are the times I’m at peace and closest to God.

Application: I’ve been walking with my Lord for over twenty years and I feel I know His will for my life. I need to be better doing what God calls me to do without any hesitation and in full obedience. The cup He gives me to drink is why I’m here in the first place. He never asks me for too much and He is always with me to make sure it is accomplished.

Prayer My Lord be with me today as I walk. May Your will be done and use me to be the vessel You desire me to be. I thank you for these opportunities You give me and may they always be done to please You.

Pre Tribulation Rapture?

Scripture Luke 21:36 Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

Observation: With everything happening in this world it appears it won’t be long before Jesus returns for His children. I’ve been doing some research when we would be raptured and the majority of theologians agree with a pre tribulation rapture, which I pray it will be. This verse seems to support that theory when Jesus says for those counted worthy can escape all things that will come to pass.

Application: No matter when Jesus calls us home, we must be ready. This is not a time to sit back to see what might happen but be busy fulfilling the calling God has given us. We need to be visible to others especially family members and keep them in prayer, God has called us to be a witness to others and to help guide them to Jesus.

Prayer My Lord thank you for allowing me to be your child. Fill me with the Holy Spirit as I walk and talk to others, put on my heart what to do and say. You are worthy of my very best, may that be what I offer You each day.