Need to Be Born Again
Scripture John 3:3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
Observation: When I was first born, I lived my life the way I thought I wanted to. My only concern was me and what I thought was good for me. I lived a life of depression and selfishness and suffered for it. I hated my life and tried to end it several times. The second time I was born through Christ everything changed. I had surrendered myself to His mercy and grace. God renewed my mind and helped me live a life that was worthy of being His child.
Application: I wish I could say that I’m living a perfect life honoring God, I know that’s not true, but He helps me each day grow closer to that goal. I need to completely submit my will for His and listen and obey His commands for my life. I’m now born of the spirit and need to ask guidance each day.
Prayer Good morning, Lord. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be born again. I couldn’t believe my life could be so wonderful living for You. I need your help again today to stay on the path You have chosen for me. May I bring a smile to your face today.