Daily Devotional

Obeying the Voice of the Lord

Scripture 1 Sam 15:22 So Samuel said: “Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams.

Observation: We can give our time and money to what we think honors God, but if we are not obedient to what He tells us it means nothing. I’ve caught myself doing things that appear to be doing for God, but instead it makes me look good as I sacrifice my time and talents. When I do something for God I first must be sure it is what God desires and that I’m hearing God’s voice in what I do and then I need to do it out of obedience for Him and give my Lord all of the glory. Everything that I have came from God so to give it as a sacrifice is only giving God back what He gave me, but to be obedient to my Master, to honor Him with this life that He gave me, that is what pleases God.

Application: I need to spend more time listening to God and asking my Lord what He desires of me. I need to rid myself of all these selfish desires I have and put God first where He belongs. I need to stay in God’s word so that I know his commands and then I need to be faithful to follow, in obedience. Everything I have was given to me by God and it needs to be used for Him. He gave me several talents, how many will I return when I go home?

Prayer: Dear Lord this is your servant. I know I’m hard of hearing most of the time so I ask you to speak up so that I may hear your voice. I want to obey your commands, please make it clear what you want your servant to do. May what you have given me multiply and be pleasing to you. I look forward to serving you always. I love you with all of my heart, may my actions prove that.

Nothing Restrains God

Scripture 1 Sam 14:6 Then Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor, “Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; it may be that the LORD will work for us. For nothing restrains the LORD from saving by many or by few.”

Observation: Basically God can do anything with anybody He chooses. So often I feel helpless and say to myself what difference can I make and I’m right if it is just me there isn’t much I can do, but if it’s God and me there is nothing that I can’t accomplish. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Devil is pouring lies into my mind all day long telling me how useless I am and God is telling me He wants to use me, so why do we listen to the enemy? God has shown me in the past that He can use me and has done some amazing things through me with even a halfhearted faith, I can only imagine what He would do with a faith that He deserves from me.

Application: God is always there for me and continues to prove himself every day of my life. He deserves much better from his servant and I need to give it to him. I need to have a stronger faith and be willing to put myself in situations where God can show his strength through me, his servant. I need to be bolder and more trusting to my Master. If I sit back, that is all I’m doing sitting, but if I step out only God knows where that journey will end and I know it will glorify Him.

Prayer: My Lord increase my faith. Give me the courage and strength that I will need to fulfill the purpose you have created me for. I’m here as your servant, command me to go where you want me to go and tell me what you want me to do. May I not waste this life and have nothing to show at the end, but may it be a life worth living, a life that pleases you.

Being A Man After God’s Heart

Scripture 1 Sam 13:14 But now your kingdom shall not continue. The LORD has sought for Himself a man after His own heart, and the LORD has commanded him to be commander over His people, because you have not kept what the LORD commanded you.”

Observation: Am I that man, a man after God’s own heart? I wish I was, I have my moments, but the moments are few and far between. I’m only near to God when I keep His commandments. Yesterday was a celebration at my work and I had an opportunity to share with the Chairman of the board about God. We both shared our love for God and I was able to give him a copy of the book I wrote. For those moments I was a man after God’s heart. A loving and caring man loving God with all of my heart, mind and soul. I have those moments, but that should be my life, not an occasion experience. I pray that when God is seeking a man after his own heart, He would at least consider me.

Application: I need to seek to be that special man that lives a life for God. I know what that life looks like and how it should be lived. God has given me instructions in his word and even examples to follow. I have the choice to be that man after God’s own heart or to be the man that pleases me. I need to choose to be the man that desires to please my master.

Prayer: My Lord I want to serve you. I want to be the man you seek, the man after your own heart, a heart of love, a concern for others and of obedience to you. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and make me this man. I desire to please and serve you with this life, it is yours.

May I Never Forget All You Do

Scripture 1 Sam 12:24 Only fear the LORD, and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you.

Observation: God deserves all of my heart mind and soul at all times, yet boy do I fall short. If I would think of all the great things God has done in my life I wouldn’t have time to think of anything else. He has saved me from death at least seven times that I know of and has kept me around. That in itself is a great miracle. I do want to serve my Lord with all of my heart, but this evil that dwells within me has the focus on me and not my God most of the time. My one desire is to serve my God and to please Him just to show Him that I do love Him and I want to do it with my whole heart.

Application: I need to spend time each day quiet and just think of the great things God has done for me. I believe that will draw me closer to Him and help me listen to Him. I know my Lord knows my heart, better than even I do and deep down all I want to do is please Him. I need to make that my top priority in my life to serve Him each day and to serve others for my Lord’s glory and not my recognition. I don’t have much time left here and I want to run this race well and I can’t waste any more time on my own pleasures that don’t honor my master.

Prayer: My Lord and my God. Thank you for not giving up on me. I know where I belong and I thank you for the sacrifice of your Son. You put me here for a reason, please Lord let me complete the tasks you have put aside for me to do. Take this laziness away and give me wisdom and courage to succeed. I’m only here for your glory, may I hear the words well done good and faithful servant, when it’s time.

Spirit Come Upon Me

Scripture 1 Sam 11:6 Then the Spirit of God came upon Saul when he heard this news, and his anger was greatly aroused.

Observation: There are things in this world that make me angry, like homosexual marriage, the teaching of evolution, cult religions and all of these things are against God. So is it the spirit of the Lord that convicts me and arouses my anger or is it just my anger? There is plenty of things that get me angry which have nothing to do with the nature of God, mostly about me. I believe the items I mentioned is because the Spirit of God is upon me. Every time I hear or see these detestable things, which in this day is quite often, I get angry and feel bad there is nothing I can do. If God’s Spirit is upon me, maybe there are things that I can do if I ask for wisdom. Maybe it’s time for more than anger, it’s time to be a part of the solution to glorify God.

Application: Don’t just pass off these moments of anger as a helpless victim, but ask the Spirit what it is I’m supposed to be doing. God does everything for a purpose if we stop and ask Him what He desires us to do in a situation He will guide us. I need to stop being so passive and ask for courage to change what God desires me to change. If God’s Spirit is upon me there is nothing I can’t do.

Prayer: My God I want to make a difference for you. I’m surrounded by sin each day and do nothing but complain. Get me in the game Lord and may your spirit show me what You desire me to do. I’m here as your servant fill me with Your Spirit and have me serve.

I’m Now Another Man

Scripture 1 Sam 10:6 Then the Spirit of the LORD will come upon you, and you will prophesy with them and be turned into another man.

Observation: When I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior and the Holy Spirit took His place in my heart, I was changed. Even from the beginning I remember I couldn’t swear anymore or tell a lie. I started to see people differently, more like how God sees us. God gave me a heart to serve and do something for His glory and before I didn’t do anything for anyone, even my own family. My heart was softened, I became someone different, someone I wish I was my whole life. I remember, before that every day I wish I was someone else, anyone but me and now I wouldn’t want to be anyone else, maybe just a little better me each day.

Application: Stay focused on the man God wants me to be. Get more involved in things at church and find a way to get the depression ministry and outreach ministry going. Each day become a better me, someone that honors God each day. I need to try harder to be better for my Lord, it’s too easy to do nothing. I’m so blessed that God has made me a different man then I use to be, but I still want to be better, better every day.

Prayer: My Lord thank you for changing me from the person I created. Thank you for softening my heart and changing my thinking so that it serves you. Continue to change me, filling me with the Holy Spirit reaping rewards for your glory.

Crying Out to the Lord

Scripture 1 Sam 9:16 “Tomorrow about this time I will send you a man from the land of Benjamin, and you shall anoint him commander over My people Israel, that he may save My people from the hand of the Philistines; for I have looked upon My people, because their cry has come to me.”

Observation: Don’t you wish you were one of the prophets that God talked directly to you. Like Moses when God gave him instructions on what to do and say when He sent him to Pharaoh. Like so many times God hears our cries for help and does something about it. He may use a person to help bring about His plan whether it be Moses, Abraham, Joshua and the list goes on. When we cry to the Lord for help, do we make ourselves available for service, available to our God? I’ve cried out so many times and He has always been there, maybe not the way I thought it should happen or in my time frame, but God always came through and many times He used someone to help guide me. The biggest example of that is my wife. I cried out to God to allow me to end this life here, since I saw no use for it and He placed the most wonderful woman I had ever met into my life. God has used her to encourage me to fulfill the purpose God has given me.

Application: I need to be able to hear God’s voice and let Him know each day that I’m available and desire to serve in whatever way he desires me to serve. As I’ve cried out to God I need to be able to hear others cries and then ask God what I may do to help. Each day I cry out in prayer my petitions to my God, but until now I have never asked how I might be the answer to someone else’s prayer.

Prayer: My Lord show me how to be the answer to someone’s prayer. Use the gifts and abilities that you have given me to your service. Help me be silent so that I may hear your voice guide me today. Take me off the sidelines and put me in the game that I may finish well.