Daily Devotional

Who Reigns Over You?

Scripture 1 Chron 1:43 Now these were the kings who reigned in the land of Edom before a king reigned over the children of Israel: Bela the son of Beor, and the name of his city was Dinhabah.

Observation: God was upset when the Israelites wanted a king to rule over them instead of God. They wanted to be like other nations and have a king, army and war. God had got them through so much, but they rejected God and wanted to do it on their own and God let them. We have set up kings to rule over us, it may be the ruler of money, the king of success, the lord of possessions or some other king we may have set up to take God’s place in our lives.

Application: I need to be very careful not to put anything before my Lord. Especially nothing on this Earth. I need to make sure my God stays on the throne of my heart and mind and I need to worship Him every day and throughout the day. I also must show others who rules over me and tell them why and that He can rule over them and that He has a plan and a purpose for their lives.

Prayer: My Lord you are the ruler of my life. Help direct me where you want me to go, command me and I will do whatever you call me to do. May I glorify you and guide others to you all the days of my life.

We Are All Called Evil

Scripture 2 Kings 25:27 Now it came to pass in the thirty-seventh year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, that Evil-Merodach king of Babylon, in the year that he began to reign, released Jehoiachin king of Judah from prison.

Observation: If God is good, which He is then by comparison we are all evil. We have all sinned and fell short of the glory of God. I’m glad that evil isn’t part of my name, however it is part of my nature. A day doesn’t go by that I don’t have an evil thought about somebody or something. No matter how wonderful my day may be going there is always a time in the day that I think evil thoughts and sometime act on them. I’m glad my name isn’t Evil Mark, but it could be and I need Jesus to help me subdue this evil that is within me.

Application: Be more aware of my thoughts and actions and be sure I call on my Lord to stop my evil thoughts and to do good in His name. People will never see Jesus in my life if my actions are evil and they are waiting for me to mess up. I need to remove this evil from my life and especially in my thoughts and have the heart of my Lord so others may see.

Prayer: Dear Lord help me do good and remove these evil thoughts from my mind and heart. Take this judgmental way I have towards others and turn it into love. May I be a representative for you and show others your love for them as you have shown your love for me.

Sometimes the Lord Doesn’t Pardon

Scripture 2 Kings 24:4 and also because of the innocent blood that he had shed; for he had filled Jerusalem with innocent blood, which the LORD would not pardon.

Observation: We can do enough evil without considering the consequences and ignore God that He will get to the point He won’t pardon our actions. God will forgive if we come to Him with a humble and sincere heart, but if we ignore Him and do evil, we will be rightfully condemned. No matter what we do even if we are forgiven there will always be consequences for our action. If we murder someone and sincerely ask God for forgiveness we will receive it, but we will still be placed in prison or condemned to death.

Application: A day doesn’t go by that I don’t commit some type of sin and when I realize it I ask for forgiveness and search my heart so I don’t do it again. I have the Lord so close to my heart I can’t imagine doing anything that He wouldn’t pardon and I want to be the man that pleases my Lord, more than be a disappointment. I need to stay close to Jesus and fill my heart with His love and search for ways to please Him.

Prayer: My Lord I thank you for forgiving me my trespasses and I ask that you give me the heart to forgive and help others. I want to bring a smile to your face every day and run the race strong with the finish line always on my heart. Help me do this, filling me with the Holy Spirit and guiding me each day.

To Be Like Josiah

Scripture 2 Kings 23:25 Now before him there was no king like him, who turned to the LORD with all his heart, with all his soul, and with all his might, according to all the Law of Moses; nor after him did any arise like him.

Observation: I want more than anything to be called the one that turned to the Lord with all of my heart, soul and might. I want to do that but I seem to get in my way. The time God has blessed me with is spent more on my desires than God’s. My time should be God’s and all that I have including my heart and soul is His. There was no man like Mark, who turned to the Lord with all of his heart, soul and might, nor after him did any arise like him. I wish that was so, I need to do the best each day to reach this goal whether I make it or not I must try.

Application: God needs to be in my thoughts and actions. I need to die to myself and live for God. It is so hard to do, but if I ask God and stay close to Him I know that is what He would want from me. Tonight I have an opportunity to have God be pleased with me, it’s the weekly Heaven study, which seems to be a blessing to so many, but most of all to me that God can use this sinner for good. There are things coming up where I can honor God and I need to put my desires aside and place my Lord’s desire first.

Prayer: Dear God it’s me once again. I realize each day that I can’t do what I should be doing for you without your help and guidance so I’m asking again for your strength to serve you better. Help me Lord please you and be that man I so desire to be to follow you with all of my heart, soul and might. I love you may I honor and glorify your name.

Obeying the Word of God

Scripture 2 Kings 22:13 “Go, inquire of the LORD for me, for the people and for all Judah, concerning the words of this book that has been found; for great is the wrath of the LORD that is aroused against us, because our fathers have not obeyed the words of this book, to do according to all that is written concerning us.”

Observation: We are called to obey the word of God and to honor with the lives we live. To know God’s word we must meditate on it each day and place it in our heart so when we stray we will know. The Bible is a guide to the way we are commanded to live our life. We are commanded, but like other commands we can disobey and pay the consequences and there are consequences. If you were in the military and disobeyed a direct order you would be punished accordingly and if you disobey a command from God why would you expect anything less.

Application: I read God’s word each day but I don’t meditate on it. My mind will wonder and after a few pages I won’t remember what I read. I need to be purposeful when I read the word of God and realize that it is the word of God and that I will obey it and give it the respect God deserves. I need to be obedient at all times and I will not make any more excuses for not obeying my Lord.

Prayer: Dear Lord I thank you for your word and for your love. I want to be obedient in all that I do and you have given me the commands in your word to do just that. Help me stay focused on you and all that please you that your servant will honor your name. I love you Lord draw me close to you.

Following in Others Footsteps

Scripture 2 Kings 21:20 And he did evil in the sight of the LORD, as his father Manasseh had done.

Observation: As Parents and children we have a responsibility. As parents we are to set a godly example to our children and lead them in the way of God, not just leading but setting an example with the way we live our life. As we grow as children we must discern if we are walking in the path of our true Father in Heaven for He is the true example all of us must follow. Before we teach others anything we must be sure it is what God desires. God has set us an example to follow and that is what we should be doing.

Application: My Father has given me a way to go and each day I must follow that way. My earthly father didn’t know God’s way when I was growing up so I must discern between the two and be an example of God’s grace to my children and the people God surrounds me with. There may be people in my life that are looking to me for an example, so I must live this life as an example so my words match my actions.

Prayer: My Father continue to teach me each day on how to live this life while I’m still here. Speak to me and tell me what will please you and keep me on the path, so that I will always be in your will.

God Sees and Hears All

Scripture 2 Kings 20:5 “Return and tell Hezekiah the leader of My people, ‘Thus says the LORD, the God of David your father: “I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; surely I will heal you. On the third day you shall go up to the house of the LORD.

Observation: Our God knows what we are going through at all times He hears and sees us and cares for us. God listens to our prayers and if we humble ourselves and ask in His will He will answer. Like a loving Father He wants to give us good gifts, but also will not give us anything that will hurt us. He is a loving and compassion God and he is always looking out for us.

Application: Since God hears and sees me at all time I need to be doing what pleases Him as He looks on at my life. God deserves to be first in all that I do and before I do something I need to think it through to make sure God would approve. When I pray to my Lord I need to make sure it is in line with His will and I need to humble myself, because I don’t deserve any blessings for my Master.

Prayer: Dear Lord I want to finish well and glorify you each day. My decision making is normally self centered and I need your grace and wisdom to discern at times to know what to ask. Help direct my path to please you and show me how and what it is you desire of me.